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FAQ Articles

Frequently asked questions about all things Sisu

Where can I find training videos? 🎬Before jumping into the 101 topics, start with our guide here!
How can I change my password?
How can an admin help another user change their own password?Admins can send a Password Reset email to any user.
How does an admin change the password for one of their users?
What do I do if I'm having trouble logging into Sisu?Are you having trouble getting into your account? Have you forgotten either your login email or your password? This article can help you.
How do admins send the Welcome email to new users?This article helps admins send the Welcome emails to new users.
Where can an admin find a user's login email?
How do I add or update my profile picture?How to add or change your profile picture in Sisu
What is Gmail integration in Sisu and how does it work? (Premier users only)
How do I add a new transaction?This article helps you add a transaction to the Transactions screen.
How does an admin insert a transaction link into an email template?Check this out. πŸ‘‡πŸ½
How can an admin group users together?Here's how you can group agents, coaches, TCs, ISAs, and your admins together for Dashboard, Challenges, and Reporting purposes.
How can I create links for data entry forms that can be used outside of Sisu?Use your data entry form links in other systems, website links to ensure data entry is quickly accessible from anywhere. 🌎
How do admins use view-only fields to share key transaction data and keep the data safe from changes?Admins can share important view-only information while keeping it secure from accidental data changes. πŸ”
How do admins create Sisu forms that are only available to certain Sisu groups?Admins can set up forms for only certain groups.
How do admins create agent-only or ISA-only forms?Admins can streamline data entry by restricting access to certain forms. πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€πŸ’»
How do admins create admin/TC-only forms?Your data is valuable. Keep it secure from accidental data changes, and restrict access to transaction fields.
How do admins configure the Activities they want to track?This shows how to configure the Activities you want to track (and possibly lock) as soon as you start using Sisu.
How do I export and print key Sisu reports?Save a tree and view your pretty reports on screen. That being said, you can kill a 🌲 if needed.
What's the difference between Activities and Metrics in Sisu?Metrics are clickable. Activities are not.
How do admins track Transaction Stages?One stop shop for Sisu transactions. πŸ›’
How do I email transaction details?Keep everyone in the loop with direct transaction emails.
How do admins give other Sisu users the ability to export/download transactions?Sometimes spreadsheets can be cool - we give you the ability to leverage your Sisu data into spreadsheets. 😎
How do I download Activity data and give other users permissions to download?Your data is powerful and expensive. Keep it secure from download and give key team members download access.
How do admins lock Sisu Conversations from being manually incremented? (if they are added from a CRM integration instead)Take control of your data accuracy. πŸ“Š
How do I merge duplicate transactions?Duplicates happen... we've got you covered. 🏠 + 🏠
How do admins restrict agent access to GCI data?Restricting Agent Access to GCI Information
How do admins set up document categories and types?
How do I troubleshoot making a copy in Google Drive?
How do I reverse a status of Lost?If you have a Lost transaction that once again progresses, you can reverse the Lost status.
How does the Platform Rankings table work?
How do I use the @mention to notify other users?Missing notifications? Make sure you're properly formatting comments with @mention to notify users.
How do I change my "Default Transactions Page Form"?

How do I beta test upcoming Sisu features?Sisu has 3 different environments you can work with βš™οΈ
How do I do document reviews?Take your document review process to the next level with Sisu.
How do transaction statuses in Sisu work?Each status represents a critical step in your clients' journey.
How does the Snapshot work?The Snapshot page is one of the most popular pages in the Sisu platform. Here's how you can track your data with it.
How do I enter, track, and manage dual-side transactions in Sisu?Your buyer and seller transactions move at a different pace, so let's talk about how to reduce duplicate data entry.
How do I use the Transactions screen?In this overview, let's talk about how to search, sort, filter, add or remove fields, and more.
How do the team and personal Dashboards help me view my data?Knowing your personal and team numbers are a click away. πŸ‘‰πŸ½
How do I track listings in Sisu?Here is how you can manage and differentiate between pre-signed and live listings, as well as managing expiration dates.
How do I filter the Transactions screen by rentals and referrals?
How do I give away Dashboard credit for rentals and referrals?
How do I forecast my closed transactions and income in Sisu?Here are all the options for forecasting closings, commissions, and income in Sisu.
How do I record my Activities in Sisu?Here is how to record Activities (which are different than Metrics)
How can admins and VAs track activities for my agents?For those agents that are difficult to get to track their activities - we make it easy for VA or Admin tracking on their behalf.
How To Track ExpensesThis article explains the two places to track expenses in Sisu: Admin > Expenses and Admin > Lead Sources.
How do I remove (archive or delete) a transaction in Sisu?Agents can mark a transaction as "Lost" (archive). Admins can delete them if they are duplicate / erroneous.
How do I see a transaction's history of changes?On the Transaction History screen, you can see what changes have been made to a transaction.