Commission Form templates allow you to save specific splits and adjustments that you might want to apply to future Commission Forms. When you apply the template in the future, the exact fields from the split and adjustment sections will be copied into the new transaction's Commission Form.
Topics in this article:
Creating a Commission Form Template
1. In Sisu, go to Transactions > Transactions.
2. Click in-line with a transaction to open it.
3. In the Transaction Menu on the left, click Commission Form.
4. Complete the following sections of the Commission Form:
Referral Adjustments
Pre-split Adjustments
Agent Splits
Post-split Adjustments
Final Adjustments
5. To the right of the form, enter a name in the Template Name field and select a transaction type from the Transaction Type drop-down.
6. Click Create Template. This creates a template that any user can apply to future Commission Forms.
How do you apply a template to the Commission Form?
To apply a template to a transaction's Commission Form, do the following:
1. Open a transaction's Commission Form.
2. To the right of the form, click the Apply Form Template drop-down and select a template from the list.
3. Click the Apply Template button.
Editing the Name of a Commission Form Template
1. Go to Admin > Commissions.
2. In the menu on the left, click Commission Form Templates to reveal a list of existing Commission Form templates.
3. Click the Edit button in-line with a template.
4. In the Template Name field, change the name of the template and click Update.
Deleting a Commission Form Template
1. Go to Admin > Commissions.
2. In the menu on the left, click Commission Form Templates to reveal a list of existing Commission Form templates.
3. Click the Remove button in-line with the template you want to delete.
Making Changes to Your Commission Form Template
Unfortunately, once you create a Commission Form template, you can't change it. However, for a quick workaround, you can do the following:
1. Apply the template you want to change to a Commission Form
2. Make changes
3. Create a new template
4. Delete the old template
π Note
If you have questions about how to complete some of these processes, please review the following sections of this article: