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Ins & Outs Of The Lofty (Chime) Integration
Ins & Outs Of The Lofty (Chime) Integration
Shane Taylor avatar
Written by Shane Taylor
Updated over 2 weeks ago

πŸ“– Note

We have split the Lofty integration into three articles:

  1. This more in-depth topic-specific article you are reading now that discusses the integration for your main real estate leads.

  2. The main integration setup article. [The setup article is where you should start.]

Video Overview

Overview, Highlights, and Key Features

  • The integration makes use of a "bridge page" to remove ambiguity in transaction selection.

  • The integration does NOT rely on Lofty LEAD pipelines - at all. Therefore, you can customize them however desired. However, it does rely on Lofty TRANSACTION pipeline stages (which need to be set to the defaults.)

  • You will manage Transaction information in Sisu (NOT in Lofty) and it will be synced back to Lofty.

  • You will manage Lead information in Lofty (NOT in Sisu unless specifically overriding a field on a particular Sisu transaction for some reason) and it will be synced back to Sisu UNLESS the Sisu transaction is closed, lost, or locked OR if the field was manually changed in Sisu.

  • You will manage Appointment information in Lofty (NOT in Sisu) using Lofty's native appointment functionality.

  • The integration can only see things that happen to "team" leads in Lofty.

  • The integration can't see anything that happens to "hidden" leads in Lofty. They are 100% hidden from everyone except the creator and therefore 100% invisible to the integration. This means the integration won't count any activities (calls, texts, emails, and conversations) that are made to hidden leads. Additionally, it won't count hidden leads in Sisu's lead source counts.

  • The integration (and therefore, Sisu) will only show information about leads in Lofty that currently exist. Therefore, if you "ERASE" a Lofty lead ("deleting" doesn't have this effect), you will be rewriting history as far as Lofty, Sisu, and the integration are concerned. For example, if there is a Lofty lead that had 10 phone calls made to it last month, and you "erase" that lead, the integration will retroactively remove those calls (and any "conversations" from those calls) from Sisu - as if they never existed. This applies to everything in the integration - calls, texts, emails, conversations, and lead sources. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to not "erase" Lofty leads.

  • Lofty Dialer and manually Logged calls, texts, and emails are synced to Sisu.

  • Historical and near real-time Lofty lead sources and lead source counts are synced to Sisu.

  • If you "lock" a Sisu transaction, the integration will no longer synchronize changes to it.

  • If there are any API communication delays (which can occasionally happen) from either side of the integration (Lofty or Sisu), the integration will "heal" and catch up when information begins to flow again. The activities won't be lost.

  • Given the way the Lofty API works and its imposed rate limits, generally, the integration can synchronize changes in a few minutes. However, occasionally it can take up to 30 minutes (depending on Lofty's API usage as a whole). This is a limitation that is out of our control currently.

πŸ“– Note

For the sake of this KB article, the definition of an "open" Sisu transaction means any Sisu transaction that is NOT closed, lost, or deleted. So, for example, this would include Sisu transactions in the appt set, appt met, signed, pending, etc. statuses.

How To Win With This Integration

The following articulates exactly how to win with this integration. The below THREE sections are the MOST IMPORTANT SECTIONS IN THIS KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLE and the only sections ALL your team members need to understand. If ALL your team members understand and follow this information, you will be successful with this integration. If they don't, you won't.

1. Things To Stop Using AFTER We Enable The Integration

After the integration is enabled, all new Sisu transactions MUST be created using the bridge page. This means you will need to STOP creating transactions directly in the Sisu web app (which includes the mobile web version as well) though modifying them is fine.

Therefore, AFTER the integration is enabled stop using the following three things:

1. Stop using the '+' button on the Transactions tab:

2. Stop using the top section in the Record tab:

3. Stop using the transaction duplication functionality in the Transactions tab:

2. Five Rules of Thumb When Using This Integration

  1. ALWAYS create new SISU transactions using the bridge page. We can't stress this strongly enough. Otherwise, the transaction will be invisible to the integration. However, modifying them directly in Sisu (bypassing the bridge page) is fine - which would probably be how your TC will do things.

  2. NEVER create OR modify LOFTY transactions. The integration will create and maintain them.

  3. ALWAYS use native Lofty appointments. And if you have to move an appointment, make sure you edit and move it (vs. deleting it and creating a new one.)

  4. Remember that creating Lofty appointments by themselves will NEVER create Sisu transactions. After you create the appointment, you MUST then use the bridge page to create the Sisu transaction. However, they can update open Sisu transaction(s) if they already exist for the lead. However, this may take up to a minute or two to apply and therefore you should try to create your Lofty appointments JUST BEFORE using the bridge page to create the Sisu transaction.

  5. [FOR ADMINS] ONLY manage your lead sources in Lofty. NEVER use Sisu's lead source merging functionality with this integration. If you want to clean up your lead sources, clean them up in Lofty and the integration will mirror them in Sisu. (Only admins have access to Sisu's lead source configuration.)

3. The Correct Workflow for EVERYONE

Here are the correct workflow steps (in the correct order) for EVERYONE (Agent, ISA, TC, and Admin):

Step 0:

Make sure the Lofty lead is assigned (in the "Agent" field) to the actual AGENT (not the ISA or anyone else acting as the ISA) at this point. If not, do so now. This is required before the Sisu transaction is created using the bridge page in Step 2 below. The ISA (or anyone else acting as the ISA) should be set to a different role (the role name doesn't matter) on the Lofty lead so they have access.

(Note - We called this "Step 0" because most teams have their leads assigned directly to the actual agent via their lead routing. So, this step is only for those teams that don't.)

Step 1:

Create a Lofty appointment with the lead (with the actual AGENT as the "Owner").

Step 2:

Whoever created the Lofty appointment should immediately go to the bridge page for that lead and create the Sisu transaction. (Note - You may have to expand "View Full Details" to expand the section.)

The bridge page will create a Sisu transaction assigned to the actual AGENT and in the "Appt Set" status because the integration will use the Lofty appointment to fill out the "1st Time Appt Set" and "Appt Set For" date fields. And if an ISA (or someone else) created the Lofty appointment for the actual agent in Step 2 above, that person will be set in the "Appt Set By (ISA)" field when the Sisu transaction is created in this step.

Step 3:

After the actual agent attends the appointment with the lead, they should "check off" their Lofty appointment (in other words, mark it as complete.) This will trigger the integration to update the Sisu transaction to the "Appt Met" status because the integration will fill out the "1st Time Appt Met" field with the "Appt Set For" date. (This can take up to 15 minutes.)


It is ideal to check off your Lofty appointment the same day you have the appointment so it will show up in the Buyer Appointment Met or Listing Appointment Met circles on the Sisu dashboard as quickly as possible.

Step 4+:

Then, any subsequent changes to the real estate "transaction" fields (such as filling out the "Signed Date", "Under Contract Date", etc.) should be manually done on the Sisu transaction.

Remember, all "lead" information should be modified in LOFTY. And all real estate "transaction" information should be modified in SISU. And the Sisu transaction will synch to a Lofty transaction once you put the Sisu transaction in a "Signed" status (or greater) AND give it an Address.

⚠️ EXTREMELY Important Note for Admins

When we turn on the integration, we will add TWO Lofty forms for documentation/reference purposes only to your Sisu account so you have a quick reference to the fields involved in the integration and their directionality. Please do not modify these forms (and only admins can see them anyway.)

We will remind you of this once we turn on the integration, but to keep the workflow protected for your agents (i.e. put it on "rails"), for any fields marked as "view-only" in those two forms, make sure to ALSO mark those SAME fields as "view-only" in ANY OTHER FORMS where you use them. This is extremely important and prevents your agents (not admins) from changing "lead" fields in Sisu since "lead" fields should only be modified in Lofty.

Now, if you ever have to backdate the "1st Time Appt Set" date field or the "1st Time Appt Met" date field (which should be extremely rare if you are following the correct workflow), then you would need to change these fields directly in Sisu. This is required because Lofty will not allow you to create an appointment in the past.

For a list of the exact fields that get synced see the Field Mappings section under Transaction Syncing below.

Transaction Syncing

The Bridge Page: Additional Information

After the integration is turned on, all Lofty "team" leads will have a lead-specific URL added to a custom field called "Sisu Link". You'll have to click "View Full Details" to see this field. This link will take you to the Sisu "bridge" page and is what you'll use to create or manage your Sisu transactions for that Lofty lead.

πŸ“– More Info

  • Newly created Lofty leads will have this link added within a few minutes (often within 45 seconds). However, if you import a .CSV file into Lofty containing many leads, it can take longer for the integration to churn through them and add all of the bridge page links. Also, if needed, you might have to refresh your Lofty tab in your browser in order to see the link once it gets added.

  • If you change a hidden Lofty lead to a team lead, the integration will add the link within 15 minutes (again, generally faster). You will generally need to refresh your Lofty tab in your browser in order to see the link.

  • When new Sisu users are created, they should show up in the bridge page's agent dropdown menu within 2 hours:

Appointment Management: Additional Information

You should manage your appointments in Lofty (and NOT in Sisu).

When you create appointments, make sure the Lofty lead is assigned (in the "Agent" field) to the actual AGENT (not the ISA or anyone else acting as the ISA) at this point. This is required before the Sisu transaction is created using the bridge page. The ISA (or anyone else acting as the ISA) can be set to a different role on the Lofty lead so they have access.

πŸ“– More Info

  • While you should create Lofty appointments for every meeting with a lead, Sisu and the integration will ONLY utilize the FIRST appointment with the lead.

  • When an appointment is marked as completed/checked off in Lofty, we will update any corresponding open Sisu transactions to set the "1st Time Appt Met" field. (This can take up to 15 minutes.)

  • If the appointment needs to be rescheduled, make sure to EDIT it in Lofty (do NOT delete the Lofty appointment and create a new one).

  • When you modify or delete an appointment in Lofty, we will NOT update the "1st Time Appt Set" and "Appt Set For" dates on the open Sisu transactions. The only reason these dates should be altered on the open Sisu transactions is if the appointment was made in error. When you simply update or delete a Lofty appointment, the original "1st Time Appt Set" and "Appt Set For" dates on the open Sisu transaction(s) should persist.

  • If there ARE open Sisu transaction(s) for a lead when you create an initial appointment in Lofty for that lead, the integration will UPDATE all of the open Sisu transaction(s) to contain the initial Lofty appointment information. However, we will NOT overwrite any pre-existing information on the Sisu transaction(s) if it was manually filled in directly in Sisu. Additionally, this updating isn't quite a real-time process, so there can be a delay of a few minutes before the changes are reflected in the open Sisu transaction(s).

  • If there ARE NO open Sisu transaction(s) for a lead, when you create an appointment in Lofty for that lead, NOTHING will happen in Sisu UNTIL you use the bridge page to create a new Sisu transaction. At that point, the Lofty appointment information will immediately be carried into the newly-created Sisu transaction by filling out the "1st Time Appt Set" and "Appt Set For" fields.

  • When you use the bridge page to create a transaction in Sisu, the integration will use the earliest Lofty appointment with the agent you assign the Sisu transaction to. (In this way, if an ISA schedules an appointment setting the AGENT as the "Owner" and the agent marks the appointment as complete before either of them go to the bridge page to send the transaction over to Sisu, the ISA will still get credit for setting that appointment.)

  • If the logged-in Lofty user creates a Lofty appointment on a Lofty lead setting someone other than themself as the "Owner", then the "Appt Set By (ISA)" field will be set on the open Sisu transaction(s). (Note - This is how your ISAs will work and what drives the ISA functionality in Sisu.) It does NOT matter who creates the Sisu transaction with the bridge page... the ONLY thing considered when setting the "Appt Set By (ISA)" field on the Sisu transaction is who created the Lofty appointment.

  • To accommodate scenarios where an agent didn't mark their Lofty appointment complete until the next day or later (perhaps they just forgot), we will still set the "1st Time Appt Met" date based on the actual appointment date in Lofty (except for the next point below) which also gets set as the "Appt Set For" date in Sisu.

  • If, for some reason, you complete/check off a FUTURE Lofty appointment BEFORE its scheduled appointment date, we will set the "1st Time Appt Met" date to the day you checked off the Lofty appointment. So, for example, if you check off an appointment scheduled for a week from now today, we will set the "1st Time Appt Met" date to today.

  • If you ever have to backdate the "1st Time Appt Set" date field or the "1st Time Appt Met" date field (which should be extremely rare if you are following the correct workflow), then you would need to change these fields directly in Sisu. This is required because Lofty will not allow you to create an appointment in the past.

Lead Management: Additional Information

You should manage your "lead" information in Lofty (and NOT in Sisu).

πŸ“– More Info

  • Updating a Lofty lead's information will update the corresponding details on any OPEN (not closed or lost) transactions in Sisu.

  • The Lofty lead's "Source" will ALWAYS be synced to the Sisu transaction's "Lead Source" field.

  • The Lofty lead's name and contact information will be synced to the corresponding OPEN Sisu transaction(s) UNLESS the corresponding field has been manually changed/overridden directly on a Sisu transaction. If you manually change/override a "lead" field directly on a Sisu transaction (which, in general, should be maintained in Lofty), we assume you know what you are doing and it will take precedence. But 99.9% of the time, you should only be making "lead" field changes in Lofty.

  • If the Sisu transaction is closed, lost, locked, or deleted (at which point it is 100% gone), the integration will NOT update it.

  • After reassigning a lead in Lofty (referring only to the lead's primary "Agent"):

    • If the agent currently assigned to that lead's Sisu transaction(s) MATCHES the previously assigned agent on the Lofty lead, then the integration will try to update the Sisu transaction(s) to the new agent.

    • If they DON'T MATCH (because you either deliberately picked someone else on the bridge page or you manually changed the agent assignment on the Sius transaction(s)), then the integration will NOT update the Sisu transaction(s) to that new agent.

    • Also, if there isn't a Sisu user with a matching email address to the newly-assigned Lofty agent, the integration won't be able to update the Sisu transaction(s) to the new agent.

Transaction Management: Additional Information

You should manage your "transaction" fields in Sisu (and NOT in Lofty).

The Sisu transaction will synch to a Lofty transaction once the Sisu transaction is in a "Signed" status (or greater) AND it has an Address added to it.

Therefore, do NOT create or update Lofty transactions manually!

πŸ“– More Info

  • The reason we wait until an address is added and the Sisu status is at least signed is twofold -- first, transactions in Lofty must be named, so we will use the property address on the Sisu transaction as this name; second, we want to avoid cluttering Lofty with transactions for leads who may not proceed beyond appointments. In Sisu, you want to create your Sisu transaction using the bridge page immediately after setting the first appointment with a lead. However, in Lofty it is arguably preferable to wait to create transactions until they're a little more certain, as other details about engagement with the lead are simply tracked on the lead itself.

  • The above transaction syncing can take up to 15 minutes.

  • The above transaction syncing only occurs for Sisu transactions that are "linked" back to a Lofty lead! Today, this linking occurs in one of two ways: when Sisu transactions are created by the integration via the bridge page, they will be automatically linked; secondly, when we first enabled your integration we linked existing Sisu transactions with Lofty leads based on contact details like email addresses, phone numbers, and names.

  • From the Lofty lead, you can access the linked Sisu transactions via the custom "Sisu Link" field. This will take you to that lead's "bridge" page. You may have to click "View Full Details" in the Lofty lead's details section before you can see the "Sisu Link" field.

  • From the Sisu transaction, you can access the Lofty lead via the custom "Lofty Link" field. Transactions that have the "Lofty Link" field filled out are linked either to a Lofty lead or possibly even directly linked to a specific Lofty transaction. A Sisu transaction that has a blank "Lofty Link" field is NOT linked to anything in Lofty and is effectively invisible to the integration.

  • When Seller Sisu transactions are created via the bridge page, it will pull over the Mailing Address of the Lofty lead. This does not happen for Buyer Sisu transactions.

How linked LOFTY transactions get created and managed by the integration

*** IMPORTANT *** There are ONLY TWO times a Lofty transaction will become managed by the integration.

  1. An EXISTING Lofty transaction can be "taken over" and managed by the integration (and therefore linked to a Sisu transaction) via matching that occurs from your existing Sisu transactions mainly on your integration go-live night. When the integration "takes over" a Lofty transaction (assuming we can match it from a Sisu transaction in the first place), we first look for fields that are set in the Lofty transaction but not set in the Sisu transaction, and we'll back-sync those field values from Lofty to Sisu that first time only to populate them in the Sisu transaction. This prevents us from overwriting something in Lofty in the future with blanks. However, AFTER that FIRST time, the TRANSACTION information sync is only one-directional from Sisu to Lofty. (And remember, the LEAD information sync goes the OTHER direction - from Lofty to Sisu.)

  2. A NEW Lofty transaction will be created by the integration once a SISU transaction (that MUST have been created via the bridge page) reaches a SIGNED status (or further) AND has an address added to it. BOTH criteria must be met! This means a "Signed Date" (or a further date) must be filled out on the Sisu transaction as well as some of the Address fields.

The Lofty transactions that are created (or possibly taken over) and linked via the integration will have "[Linked to Sisu]" appended to their name. For example, "123 Main St, Aspen, CO 12345 [Linked to Sisu]". These are the transactions that you don't want to delete in Lofty, but you can remove any duplicates that don't have "Linked to Sisu" appended to them.

Additionally, the integration will only manage the linked Lofty transactions correctly IF you have Lofty's default transaction pipeline stages set up.

Here are the defaults as shown from the Lofty Help Center:

If you haven't changed the defaults, then you don't have anything to worry about. Specifically, we need the transaction pipeline stages shown below and they must match EXACTLY (and are case-sensitive). We don't use Lofty's "Under Contract" transaction pipeline stage because this is the same as "Pending" in Sisu.

Assuming you have the transaction pipeline stages in Lofty (EXACTLY as shown below), here is what happens to a linked Lofty transaction as you modify the Sisu transaction:


  • Deleting a transaction in Sisu will not cause anything to happen in Lofty. This will essentially "orphan" the Lofty transaction. The Lofty API does not allow for the systematic deletion of Lofty transactions.

  • As far as "unclaimed" MLS transactions in Lofty go, you can delete them or ignore them. These are not necessary because you will be putting your transactions in Sisu well before you find out about them via your MLS. If you claim them and match them to existing Lofty transactions, the integration will simply overwrite any changes they make anyway. Therefore, it's best to just delete them or ignore them.

Rentals and Outbound Referrals

πŸ“– Note

For outbound referrals, this means a lead that you referred to another agent and you are getting a referral commission from the other agent's deal - NOT leads that were referred to you. In the latter case, you would track the referral commission you owe someone else on your Commission Form in Sisu.

In Sisu, Rentals (denoted by the Rental field) are indicated independently of Outbound Referrals (denoted by the Outbound Referral field). So in theory, you could have a transaction that is a Listing, and has the Rental field checked, and also has the Outbound Referral field checked.

When we are syncing Sisu transactions back to Lofty, the Outbound Referral field takes priority. So, if a Sisu transaction is marked as an Outbound Referral we will set the Lofty transaction pipeline to "Other":

Otherwise, if the Sisu transaction is marked as a Rental we set the Lofty transaction pipeline to "Lease":

If neither field is set on the Sisu transaction we would just set the Lofty transaction to a Listing or Purchase depending on the type of the Sisu transaction.

Lastly, please read this article describing how dashboard credit works for rentals and outbound referrals.

Sisu Transaction History With The Integration

The first thing to know is that any changes made to a Sisu transaction via the Lofty integration will be denoted API: Chime in the "Changed By" column on the Sisu transaction history page. Any changes done directly in Sisu will be denoted with WEB.

The second thing to know is that with Sisu integrations, Sisu attributes the actions made to the Sisu transaction (via the integration) to the Assigned Agent in the Sisu transaction history - even if the ISA or someone else initiated the action. This refers to any transactions created via the "bridge page" as well as any field changes synchronized from Lofty to Sisu.

The reasons for this are that the integration doesn't actually know who "clicks" the bridge page link in Lofty (i.e. that information doesn't get embedded in the bridge page link in real-time) and Sisu doesn't allow that information to be passed over.

Now, this is in contrast to things done directly in Sisu. In that case, Sisu knows who is doing it (because they know who is logged in making the actual changes) and therefore the transaction history entries will be attributed to that person.

Field Mappings

Lead Fields: You will manage Lead information in Lofty (NOT in Sisu unless specifically overriding a field on a particular Sisu transaction) and the integration will synchronize to the lead's OPEN Sisu transactions (it won't touch closed transactions). If you manually override a "lead" field on an open Sisu transaction, the integration will not override your changes and will no longer sync to that field (on whatever particular open Sisu transaction you overrode it on).

Appointment Fields: You will manage Appointments in Lofty (NOT in Sisu) and it will be synced to the lead's OPEN Sisu transactions or it will create a new Sisu transaction (once you create the new Sisu transaction via the bridge page) if no open Sisu transactions exist for that lead.

Transaction Fields: You will manage Transaction information in Sisu (NOT in Lofty) and the integration will create AND synchronize to a Lofty transaction but only after the Sisu transaction reaches at least SIGNED or greater AND has an ADDRESS associated with it. [Remember, you will never create or modify Lofty transactions directly using this integration.]


  • Green fields should be modified directly.

  • Red fields should NOT be modified directly (unless you are overriding a lead field on a particular open Sisu transaction... but this should be rarely done if ever.)

Activity Syncing

The integration will track activities (calls, texts, and emails) made to "team" Lofty leads. We can NOT see any activities made to hidden Lofty leads. Again, hidden Lofty leads are 100% hidden and we cannot see them or anything that happens to them currently.

Additionally, the integration (and therefore, Sisu) will only show information about leads in Lofty that currently exist. Therefore, if you "ERASE" a Lofty lead ("deleting" doesn't have this effect), you will be rewriting history as far as Lofty, Sisu, and the integration are concerned. For example, if there is a Lofty lead that had 10 phone calls made to it last month, and you "erase" that lead, the integration will retroactively remove those calls (and any "conversations" from those calls) from Sisu - as if they never existed. This applies to everything in the integration - calls, texts, emails, conversations, and lead sources. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to not "erase" Lofty leads.

Finally, don't get scared off by the diagram below. It's only this detailed to allow for troubleshooting and to show the rollup of activities. Only the orange boxes with the white border will be displayed by default. The ones with the dashed border won't be displayed on your dashboard by default.

Note - Activity syncing is NOT a real-time process though we try to do it as fast as possible. Sometimes it can take a while for your Lofty activities to show up in Sisu. (However, once those activities start flowing again, it will heal/catch up and record those past activities. Those past activities won't be lost.)

Phone Activities: Additional Information

The below diagram shows the phone activities involved in the integration and how each activity gets "rolled up" into into other activities. Just follow a particular path (denoted by arrows) to see how incrementing a particular activity will also increment any activities that it points to.


  • *** IMPORTANT *** Lofty counts the duration of a call to include ringing the lead, but does NOT count the time needed for Lofty to call the agent to establish the bridge connection to the dialer. This is the time shown in the Lofty lead's "Call Detail" section for the call (see screenshot below). Therefore, this is also how the integration counts it in Sisu's Hours Prospected (Chime) activity (which rolls up to Sisu's general Hours Prospected activity) as well as Sisu's Conversations (Chime) activity (which rolls up to Sisu's general Conversations activity - which is the 1st circle on the Sisu dashboard.)

  • EVEN IF YOU USE THE LOFTY MOBILE APP TO CALL A LEAD, if you choose your personal mobile phone number (instead of your Lofty number) to place the call, the duration of the call is NOT recorded in Lofty. Therefore, we won't be able to include that call time in Hours Prospected (Chime) NOR can we count it as a Conversation (Chime). In this case, we will only be able to track that a call occurred. So, in a nutshell, the only call time we can track is the time shown in the Call Detail section under the Call Result. If there isn't an "Elapsed Time" shown for the call, we won't know the duration of the call and we can't count it as a Conversation (Chime).

  • Only Incoming and Outgoing Dialer Calls longer than your Conversation threshold (tracked as described above) are counted as Sisu Conversations. You will give us your preferred Conversation threshold when we set up your integration.

  • Manually LOGGED calls with a "Talked" outcome are also counted as Sisu Conversations.

  • If you manually LOG a call that you also made in the Lofty dialer, it will be counted twice in the activity roll-up. If you need to manually log a call that was made from the Lofty dialer for some reason, it will be better to manually log a "note" instead so the integration won't double-count the call.

Text and Email Activities: Additional Information

The below diagram shows the text and email activities involved in the integration and how each activity gets "rolled up" into into other activities. Just follow a particular path (denoted by arrows) to see how incrementing a particular activity will also increment any activities that it points to.


  • Manually LOGGED texts and emails are also tracked and counted as Sisu Conversations.

Conversations: Additional Information

Currently, by default, there are FOUR ways to increment a Sisu Conversation via the integration:

  1. Logging a call with the outcome of Talked. This will count the call AND it will increment a Sisu Conversation. The other outcomes will count the call, but WON'T increment a Sisu Conversation.

  2. Logging a Text. This will count the text AND it will increment a Sisu Conversation.

  3. Logging an Email. This will count the email AND it will increment a Sisu Conversation.

  4. Placing a call with the Dialer over your Sisu Conversation threshold duration. It will always count the dialer call and if the call is over the Sisu Conversation threshold duration, it will also increment a Sisu Conversation.


  • If necessary, we can configure each of the four ways above to not increment Sisu Conversations. But, by default, this will be enabled.

  • If you happen to be a Curaytor client, we will need to turn off incrementing Sisu Conversations when logging an email. This is because Curaytor also logs emails and we don't want to increment Sisu Conversations for them.

  • If you send a Text or Email via Lofty, we will count them, but currently, we do NOT increment a Sisu Conversation in these cases because there isn't configuration just yet (though this is planned) to define what a "Text Conversation" or "Email Conversation" is for your team.

Lofty's Agent Accountability Report vs. Your Sisu Dashboard


You will almost always see slight differences (and sometimes larger differences) in activity counts between the Lofty activities on your Sisu dashboard and the numbers shown in Lofty's Agent Accountability report - and there are intentional reasons for this that are beneficial for your team.

The way this works is Lofty's internal dialer tracks all the raw agent activity data (calls, texts, and emails and who did them, what were the outcomes, when did they happen, did any fail or bounce, were they inbound or outbound, were they auto or manual, etc...) Then, Lofty interprets this data to determine the values they use for their Agent Accountability report. However, we don't have DIRECT access to the Agent Accountability report's numbers (i.e. Lofty's interpreted numbers!) However, we DO have access to the SAME underlying raw activity data (minus any data for hidden leads) and then WE interpret that same data to determine the values for the Lofty activities in Sisu. And our interpretations of the same underlying raw activity data are intentionally DIFFERENT.

The table below shows how Lofty currently (and to the best of our understanding) reports activity counts in their Agent Accountability report (they are considering modifying this to match the counting logic we use) vs. how the integration will count them in Sisu. The biggest difference is the integration doesn't count auto emails (smart plan emails and property update emails) or auto text messages whereas Lofty currently counts them both. This can lead to some intentionally large differences between what you see in Sisu and what you see in Lofty's Agent Accountability report. Additionally, remember, that the integration can't see anything (calls/texts/emails) that happens to hidden leads owned by your agents. Furthermore, Lofty will count calls with any outcome whereas some of our activities in Sisu (such as "Outgoing Calls (Chime)") will only count if the Lofty call outcome was "Talked". And if a call completely fails to occur at all (i.e. it couldn't even dial the number), we won't count it at all in "Dials (Chime)" and instead we will populate those calls in "Failed Calls Dialed (Chime)" which is an activity that isn't displayed by default on the Sisu dashboard - though if desired, you can mark it as displayed in Admin > Team Settings > Activities. But the Lofty Agent Accountability report will count even those failed calls in "Calls Made".

πŸ“– Note

In the above table, any activity that is "indented" rolls up to its containing activity. So, for example, "Dials (Chime)" = "Outgoing Calls (Chime)" + "Outgoing Voice Messages (Chime)" + "No Answer (Chime)" + "Bad Number (Chime)". But it does not include "Failed Calls Dialed (Chime).

As far as a user verifying what calls, texts, and emails went into the Lofty Agent Accountability report's numbers, Lofty does not currently provide a way to see this information (i.e. the numbers in the Agent Accountability report are not "clickable" to see the activities behind them.)

Almost every team eventually writes in with a question about why numbers don't match between Lofty and Sisu and our hope is that this section provides more details surrounding this. Eventually, we will be exposing a UI that will allow teams to verify why a particular activity (call, text, email) did or did not count in Sisu as well as why it did or did not count as a Sisu "Conversation".

Lead Source Syncing

Lead Sources: Additional Information

  • Any lead sources that are assigned to Lofty "team" leads (remember, the integration can't see hidden leads) will be automatically synced to Sisu and will be shown in Admin > Lead Sources. If a lead source is NOT assigned to any Lofty "team" leads, then it will not be synced to Sisu. Additionally, if the unused Lofty lead source already exists in Sisu, it will be archived (and if it ever gets used again in Lofty, it will be unarchived in Sisu). The idea is the lead sources shown in Sisu in Admin > Lead Sources will mirror the used lead sources in Lofty. This syncing process happens once a day late at night (starting at midnight Mountain Time, but its completion will vary due to other unrelated tasks happening simultaneously).

  • If a lead source is shown in Lofty in Settings > Features > Tags & Sources > Sources, but there aren't any leads assigned to it, the integration will not see it.

  • The integration will sync lead sources in use on deleted Lofty leads (and it will count those leads, as well.) However, any erased leads are completely gone from Lofty and those leads will not be synced or counted.

  • The Lead Source field on Sisu transactions drives the "Lead Sources by Agent" and "Lead Sources by Status" reports in Sisu. These reports do NOT utilize the Lead Source Counts or Lead Source Expenses.

  • Lofty is treated as the "single source of truth" for lead information. If you want to fix your lead sources, fix them in Lofty first. Do NOT use the Lead Source Merging functionality in Sisu.

Lead Source Counts: Additional Information

  • Tracked in near real-time for the team as well as per agent.

  • Full historical lead source counts are pulled from Lofty (using the Reg Date of the lead).

  • The Lead Source Counts (and Lead Source Expenses) drive the "Lead Source ROI by Agent" and "Lead Source ROI by Lead Source" reports in Sisu. This article talks more about this. These reports utilize the Lead Source field on Sisu transactions in conjunction with the Lead Source Counts and Lead Source Expenses.

  • Do NOT update the Lead Source Counts manually in Sisu - only update the Lead Source Expense in Sisu. If you update the Lead Source Counts in Sisu, they will simply get overwritten by the integration.

  • In Sisu, this is found in Admin > Lead Sources > Counts and Expenses (for a particular lead source)

  • The integration currently does NOT do "At Bats" and instead functions as described below:

Lofty's Special "Zillow" Lead Source

If a Lofty lead source is Zillow and there is a Zillow Flex Lead tag on the Lofty lead, we will set the lead source in Sisu to be Zillow Flex. If that tag isn't present on the Lofty lead, we will set the lead source in Sisu to be Zillow.

Lofty's Special "Lofty Paid Lead" Lead Source

If a Lofty lead source is Lofty Paid Lead we look for any tags on the Lofty lead that have the form of LoftyPaid-XXXXX, and then we get the XXXXX part (for example for LoftyPaid-FB we pull off the FB and for LoftyPaid-Google we pull off Google). This way if Lofty adds new tags we'll automatically detect them. Then, we set the lead source in Sisu to be Lofty Paid Lead - XXXXX, for example Lofty Paid Lead - FB or Lofty Paid Lead - Google. If for some reason we don't find a matching tag we set the lead source to Lofty Paid Lead - Other.

Current Limitations

  • Currently, the integration does not support hidden Lofty leads - at all. They are 100% hidden from everyone except the creator. Only "team" Lofty leads will work with the integration. This means we can't see hidden Lofty leads nor can we see any activities (calls, texts, and emails) that are made to them.

  • In general, the integration works correctly if all of your team's Lofty users are also Sisu users. We can support the inverse of this where only a subset of Sisu users are Lofty users, but not the other way around at the moment. For example, if an entire brokerage uses Lofty, but only a subset of the agents want to use Sisu, that subset would need their own Lofty account (which would be mapped to their Sisu account).

  • Currently, the integration does not support integrating with a Sisu "Mortgage" account.

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