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Ins & Outs Of Syncing From Sierra To Sisu
Ins & Outs Of Syncing From Sierra To Sisu
Alex Masterson avatar
Written by Alex Masterson
Updated today

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Video Overview

Sierra Processes That Create New Sisu Transactions

Logging Call Outcomes

When you log a call outcome in a Sierra Lead Profile, this creates a new transaction in Sisu.

⚠️ *IMPORTANT*: Logging a call outcome only creates a new transaction in Sisu if an admin enables the configuration setting Create Transactions from Call Outcomes.

--Action in Sierra--

  1. In Sierra, go to Leads > Leads Dashboard.

  2. In the Leads Dashboard, click the name of a lead to open the Lead Profile.

  3. Click the Log Call tab.

  4. Click on one of the following call outcomes:

    • Talked to Lead and Scheduled a Buyer Appt

    • Talked to Lead and Scheduled a Listing Appt

  5. Click the Log Call button. (You might need to scroll down a little to see it.)

--Results in Sisu--

  • A new transaction appears under Transactions > Transactions with a status of Appointment Set.

  • +1 to the Buyer Appointments Set (or Listing Appointments Set) pacer circle on the Dashboard

  • +1 to the Sierra Call Activity

  • The 1st Time Appt Set field (added to a form in Sisu) shows the date you clicked the Log Call button.

Adding a Pipeline Tag

By adding the integration tag (B) Pipeline or (S) Pipeline to a Lead Profile in Sierra, you can create a new transaction in Sisu.

ℹ️ Note: Tags can have either parentheses ( ) or brackets [ ].

--Action in Sierra--

  1. In Sierra, go to Leads > Leads Dashboard.

  2. In the Leads Dashboard, click the name of a lead to open the Lead Profile.

  3. On the right side of the Lead Profile, click the + icon in the Tags section.

  4. Click the checkbox for the Pipeline tag you'd like to add.

  5. Click Apply.

--Results in Sisu--

  • A new transaction appears under Transactions > Transactions with a status of Pipeline.

Sierra Tags And Their Effect On Sisu Transactions

The Sierra Interactive integration with Sisu is driven by Sierra tags. By assigning these tags to a lead in Sierra, you can cause certain actions to take place in Sisu. You can...

  • Create transactions

  • Make those transactions advance from one status to the next

  • Give conversation credit to the agent

  • Create transactions that already have the "Appt Set By (ISA)" field filled out and assigned to the agent

This is a full list of all possible integration tags. Some might not appear for you if they weren't set up by an admin.

ℹ️ Note: Tags below are listed with parentheses ( ), but depending on your team's setup, you might see either parentheses ( ) or brackets [ ].

ℹ️ Note: The individual who gets the credit in Sisu is the one who is assigned as the agent, not the one who assigns the tags.

Kinds of Tags:

Buyer Side Transaction Tags

Sierra Integration Tag Applied

Transaction Status in Sisu Changes to...

Date Field Updated in Sisu

Other Results in Sisu

(B) Pipeline



  • Transaction is created

(B) Appt Set

Appt Set

1st Time Appt Set

  • +1 to the "Buyer Appointments Set" pacer circle on the Dashboard

(B) Appt Met

Appt Met

1st Time Appt Met

  • +1 to the "Buyer Appointments Met" pacer circle on the Dashboard

(B) Signed


Signed Date

  • +1 to the "Buyers Signed" pacer circle on the Dashboard

(B) Showing

1st Time Showing

1st Showing Date

  • +1 to the "Buyer Showings" pacer circle on the Dashboard

  • +1 to the pacer circle when you delete the tag and add it again

  • +1 to the "Sierra Showings" Activity

(B) Offer

1st Time Offer

1st Offer Date

  • +1 to the "Buyer Offers" pacer circle on the Dashboard

  • +1 to the pacer circle when you delete the tag and add it again

  • +1 to the "Sierra Offers" Activity

(B) UC/Pending


Under Contract Date

  • +1 to the "Buyers Under Contract" pacer circle on the Dashboard

(B) Closed


Closed (Settlement) Date

  • +1 to the "Buyers Closed" pacer circle on the Dashboard

(B) Lost



  • The transaction no longer appears on the Dashboard unless you filter by Lost transactions.

Seller Side Transaction Tags

Sierra Integration Tag Applied

Transaction Status in Sisu Changes to...

Date Field Updated in Sisu

Other Results in Sisu

(S) Pipeline



  • Transaction is created

(S) Appt Set

Appt Set

1st Time Appt Set

  • +1 to the "Listing Appointments Set" pacer circle on the Dashboard

(S) Appt Met

Appt Met

1st Time Appt Met

  • +1 to the "Listing Appointments Met" pacer circle on the Dashboard

(S) Signed


Signed Date

  • +1 to the "Listings Signed" pacer circle on the Dashboard

(S) Live Listing

Live Listing

MLS Live Date


(S) Showing

1st Time Showing

1st Showing Date

  • +1 to the "Listing Showings" pacer circle on the Dashboard

  • +1 to the pacer circle when you delete the tag and add it again

  • +1 to the "Sierra Showings" Activity

(S) Offer

1st Time Offer

1st Offer Date

  • +1 to the "Listings Offers" pacer circle on the Dashboard

  • +1 to the pacer circle when you delete the tag and add it again

  • +1 to the "Sierra Offers" Activity

(S) UC/Pending


Under Contract Date

  • +1 to the "Listings Under Contact" pacer circle on the Dashboard

(S) Closed


Closed (Settlement) Date

  • +1 to the "Listings Closed" pacer circle on the Dashboard

(S) Lost



  • The transaction no longer appears on the Dashboard unless you filter by Lost transactions.

Conversation Tags

Sierra Integration Tag Applied

Results in Sisu

(B) Conversation

This tag gives conversation credit in Sisu to the agent listed as the BUY agent.

(S) Conversation

This tag gives conversation credit in Sisu to the agent listed as the SELL agent.

ISA Tags

Sierra Integration Tag Applied

Results in Sisu

ISA Conversation {ISA's first name}:{Sisu user ID}

This tag logs a conversation in Sisu for the ISA.

(B) ISA Appt Set {ISA's first name}:{Sisu user ID}

This tag creates a buyer transaction in Sisu with the "Appt Set By (ISA)" field filled out and assigned to the agent.

(S) ISA Appt Set {ISA's first name}:{Sisu user ID}

This tag creates a seller transaction in Sisu with the "Appt Set By (ISA)" field filled out and assigned to the agent.

Sierra Processes That Are Tracked As Sisu Activities

⚠️ *IMPORTANT*: The lead statuses specified in the configuration setting Update Sisu Activities for the following Sierra Lead Statuses determine which lead interactions are tracked in Sisu. Make sure you're familiar with your team's configuration settings so you know which lead statuses in Sierra allow for Activity tracking. For more information about this setting, click here.

When you turn on the Sierra Interactive integration, there are 6 Sisu Activities created by default:

  • Sierra Conversations

  • Sierra Calls

  • Sierra Emails

  • Sierra Texts

  • Sierra Showings

  • Sierra Offers

The following Sierra processes are tracked as Activities in Sisu.

Logging a Call

The Sierra user who completes the following process is the one who gets the credit in Sisu for the Activity.

--Action in Sierra--

  1. In Sierra, go to Leads > Leads Dashboard.

  2. In the Leads Dashboard, click the name of a lead to open the Lead Profile.

  3. Click the Log Call tab.

  4. Choose a Call Direction.

  5. Select a call outcome.

  6. Click the Log Call button. (You might need to scroll down a little to see it.)

--Results in Sisu--

  • +1 to the Sierra Calls Activity

  • +1 to the Sierra Conversations Activity and + 1 to the Conversations pacer circle on the Dashboard

    Note: This Activity only increases when you select any of the 3 "Talked to Lead" outcomes.

  • We can also track Activities for specific call outcomes. For more information about these Activities, check out the section below called Additional Activities for Specific Call Outcomes.

Sending an Email

The Sierra user who completes the following process is the one who gets the credit in Sisu for the Activity.

--Action in Sierra--

  1. In Sierra, go to Leads > Leads Dashboard.

  2. In the Leads Dashboard, click the name of a lead to open the Lead Profile.

  3. Click the Email tab.

  4. Make any desired changes to the provided fields and then click the Send Email button.

--Results in Sisu--

  • +1 to the Sierra Emails Activity

Sending a Text

The Sierra user who completes the following process is the one who gets the credit in Sisu for the Activity.

--Action in Sierra--

  1. In Sierra, go to Leads > Leads Dashboard.

  2. In the Leads Dashboard, click the name of a lead to open the Lead Profile.

  3. Click the Text tab.

  4. Make any desired changes to the provided fields and then click the Send Text button.

--Results in Sisu--

  • +1 to the Sierra Texts Activity

Applying a "Conversation" Tag to a Lead

When the (B) Conversation tag or the (S) Conversation tag is applied to a lead, the individual listed as the agent in Sierra is the one who gets the credit for completing this process. When the ISA Conversation tag is applied, the ISA gets credit.

--Action in Sierra--

  1. In Sierra, go to Leads > Leads Dashboard.

  2. In the Leads Dashboard, click the name of a lead to open the Lead Profile.

  3. On the right side of the Lead Profile, click the + icon in the Tags section.

  4. Click the checkbox for the Conversation tag you'd like to add.

  5. Click Apply.

--Results in Sisu--

  • +1 to the Sierra Conversations Activity

  • + 1 to the Conversations pacer circle on the Dashboard

Applying a "Showing" Tag to a Lead

The individual listed as the agent in Sierra is the one who gets the credit for completing this process.

--Action in Sierra--

  1. In Sierra, go to Leads > Leads Dashboard.

  2. In the Leads Dashboard, click the name of a lead to open the Lead Profile.

  3. On the right side of the Lead Profile, click the + icon in the Tags section.

  4. Click the checkbox for the Showing tag you'd like to add.

  5. Click Apply.

--Results in Sisu--

  • +1 to the Sierra Showings Activity

Applying an "Offer" Tag to a Lead

The individual listed as the agent in Sierra is the one who gets the credit for completing this process.

--Action in Sierra--

  1. In Sierra, go to Leads > Leads Dashboard.

  2. In the Leads Dashboard, click the name of a lead to open the Lead Profile.

  3. On the right side of the Lead Profile, click the + icon in the Tags section.

  4. Click the checkbox for the Offer tag you'd like to add.

  5. Click Apply.

--Results in Sisu--

  • +1 to the Sierra Offers Activity

Additional Sisu Activities For Sierra Call Outcomes

Admins can add additional Activities to Sisu for the specific call outcomes that you can log in Sierra. Here's the list of all possible call outcome Activities:

  • Talked to Lead

  • Talked to Lead and Scheduled Buyer Appt

  • Talked to Lead and Scheduled Listing Appt

  • Opted Out / Do Not Call Again

  • Left Message

  • Reached Voicemail, Didn't Leave Message

  • Call Attempt, No Answer

  • Wrong Number

  • Call Missed, Lead Didn't Leave Message

  • Call Rejected by Agent, Lead Didn't Leave Message

  • Call Rejected by Agent, Lead Left Message

  • Call Missed, Lead Left Message

The Activities above are only tracked and recorded in Sisu if they are added during integration setup. You might see any of these Activities or none of these Activities.

--Action in Sierra--

Log a call in Sierra.

📖 Note: If you want to learn how to log a call, check out the section above called Logging a Call.

--Results in Sisu--

  • +1 to the Activity that corresponds with the call outcome you selected when logging a call

Syncing Non-Integration Tags

If this feature is enabled, non-integration tags can sync from Sierra to Sisu and from Sisu to Sierra. So what is a non-integration tag? A non-integration tag is any tag that isn't in our list of integration tags. In other words, non-integration tags are unique to your team and your processes.

In this section, we're going to look at what has to happen for non-integration tags to sync. Below, choose the direction you'd like your tags to sync:

Sierra to Sisu

As soon as you apply a non-integration tag to a Lead Profile in Sierra, the tag is added to the corresponding Sisu transaction.

⚠️ *IMPORTANT*: Non-integration tags will only sync from Sierra to Sisu if an admin enables the configuration setting Sync Sierra Tags to Sisu.

--Action in Sierra--

  1. In Sierra, go to Leads > Leads Dashboard.

  2. In the Leads Dashboard, click the name of a lead to open the Lead Profile.

  3. On the right side of the Lead Profile, click the + icon in the Tags section.

  4. Click the checkbox for a non-integration tag you'd like to add.

  5. Click Apply.

--Results in Sisu--

  • The tag is immediately added to the transaction in Sisu.

Sisu to Sierra

When you apply a non-integration tag to a Sisu transaction, the tag is added to the Lead Profile in Sierra.

⚠️ *IMPORTANT*: Non-integration tags will only sync from Sisu to Sierra if an admin enables the configuration setting Sync Sisu Tags to Sierra.

--Action in Sisu--

  1. In Sisu, go to Transactions > Transactions.

  2. Click in-line with a transaction to open it.

  3. In the menu on the left, select a form that has the Tags field.

  4. Click the Tags field and select a tag from the list.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click the Update button.

  6. Update any field in the form and click the Update button.

--Results in Sisu--

  • The tag is immediately added to the Lead Profile in Sierra.

Using The Sisu "Contact URL" Field to Open Sierra Lead Profiles

As soon as the Sierra Interactive integration is enabled, a new field called Sierra Contact URL will become available and admins will be able to add it to any form. Agents can open a Sisu transaction that originated from Sierra and then use this field to open the corresponding Sierra Lead Profile in another tab.

After this field is added to a form in Sisu, you can use it by doing the following:

  1. Open a transaction in Sisu that originated from Sierra.

  2. In the menu on the left, select a form that contains the Sierra Contact URL field.

  3. Scroll down to the field. You'll see a URL in the field. Click the button to the right of the field, and the contact's Sierra Lead Profile will open in another tab.

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