We've split the setup process into three parts to make it easier. Complete each section in this article one at a time in order to set up the Sierra Interactive integration.
Before you begin...
Make sure your user's names and email addresses match between Sierra and Sisu. If they do not match, they will not sync.
Part 1: Set Up and Review Tags in Sierra Interactive
The Sierra Interactive integration with Sisu is driven by Sierra tags. By assigning these pipeline tags to a lead in Sierra, you can cause certain actions to take place in Sisu. You can...
Create transactions
Make those transactions advance from one status to the next
Give conversation credit to the agent
Create transactions that already have the "Appt Set By (ISA)" field filled out and assigned to the agent
Already Have Tags Set Up?
If you already have tags set up, make sure you check out our list of integration tags in step 4 (see steps below) to make sure your current tags match. Then jump down to Part 2 in this article to continue on with the setup process.
Let's go ahead and create those tags in Sierra by doing the following:
1. Log into Sierra Interactive.
2. On the left side of the screen, go to Leads > Lead Tags.
3. To create a single new tag, click the Add Lead Tag button on the right side of the screen. This opens the Add New Tag window.
4. In the Name field, type the name of an integration tag (see the list of tags below for the list).
List of Integration Tags
List of Integration Tags
This is the list of integration tags that affect the Sierra/Sisu integration. Feel free to leave out any tags you don't want or need.
⚠️ *IMPORTANT*: When typing the name of a tag, make sure there are no typos! The spelling and spacing must be entered exactly as it appears below. HOWEVER, an exception is that brackets [ ] can be used instead of parentheses ( ). So instead of (B) Pipeline, you could type [B] Pipeline.
--Buyer Side Transaction Tags--
These tags match up with Sisu pipeline statuses. The Pipeline tags create new transactions, while the other tags move the transaction through the pipeline.
(B) Pipeline
(B) Appt Set
(B) Appt Met
(B) Signed
(B) Showing
(B) Offer
(B) UC/Pending
(B) Closed
(B) Lost
--Seller Side Transaction Tags--
These tags match up with Sisu pipeline statuses. The Pipeline tags create new transactions, while the other tags move the transaction through the pipeline.
(S) Pipeline
(S) Appt Set
(S) Appt Met
(S) Signed
(S) Showing
(S) MLS Live Listings
(S) Offer
(S) UC/Pending
(S) Closed
(S) Lost
--Conversation Tags--
(B) Conversation
This tag gives conversation credit in Sisu to the agent listed as the BUY agent.
(S) Conversation
This tag gives conversation credit in Sisu to the agent listed as the SELL agent.
--ISA Tags--
📖 Note: ISA tags need to include the first name of the ISA and their user ID from Sisu. If you need help finding a user's ID, check out this article from our Knowledge Base.
Here are the 3 ISA tags:
ISA Conversation {enter the ISA's first name}:{enter ISA's Sisu user ID}
(B) ISA Appt Set {enter the ISA's first name}:{enter ISA's Sisu user ID}
(S) ISA Appt Set {enter the ISA's first name}:{enter ISA's Sisu user ID}
5. After entering the name of the tag, you can select a category, enter a description, or specify a color for your tag.
6. When finished, click Submit. The tag is now available for agents to apply to leads in Sierra.
Part 2: Get the Sierra Interactive API Key
Log into Sierra Interactive.
Go to Settings > Integrations.
Click Direct API.
Click the Sierra Interactive tile.
Copy the API key and paste it somewhere you can easily find it. You'll need this key later on in the setup process.
Part 3: Choose Your Settings and Finalize Setup
1. In Sisu, go to Admin > Integration Hub.
2. Click the Sierra Interactive tile. This opens the integration setup window.
3. Click Next.
4. In the Sierra API Key field, paste the API key from part 2.
5. Scroll down to the first setting: Create Transactions From Call Outcomes. Click the toggle to enable or disable the setting. (Green = enabled)
About This Setting!
About This Setting!
Enable this setting if you want a Sisu transaction created when the following logged call outcomes occur in Sierra:
The new Sisu transaction will have a status of Appt Set.
⚠️ Important Note!: If you have automations that auto-apply appointment set tags to leads after a call outcome, we recommend disabling this setting. If you have both enabled, you can get duplicate transactions in Sisu.
6. For the next setting, Sierra Call Activities to Sync, you can add Activities in Sisu in order to track a variety of call outcomes that occur in Sierra. This way you can track these call outcomes in Sisu. To choose an Activity to add, do the following:
a. Click the Add Value button.
b. Click the drop-down that appears.
c. Select an Activity from the list.
About This Setting!
About This Setting!
This setting allows you to add additional Activities to Sisu that are related to call outcomes. Here's the list of additional Activities you can add using this setting:
Talked to Lead
Talked to Lead and Scheduled Buyer Appt
Talked to Lead and Scheduled Listing Appt
Opted Out / Do Not Call Again
Left Message
Reached Voicemail, Didn't Leave Message
Call Attempt, No Answer
Wrong Number
Call Missed, Lead Didn't Leave Message
Call Rejected by Agent, Lead Didn't Leave Message
Call Rejected by Agent, Lead Left Message
Call Missed, Lead Left Message
When you turn on the Sierra Interactive integration, there are several Activities created by default, regardless of the Activities selected in this setting. Here's the list of the default Activities:
Sierra Conversations
Sierra Calls
Sierra Emails
Sierra Texts
Sierra Showings
Sierra Offers
7. If desired, enable the setting Count “Talked to Prospect” and “Appointment Set” call types as Sisu Conversations. (green = enabled)
About This Setting!
About This Setting!
Turn on this setting if you want the following call outcomes to count toward your Sisu conversations:
Talked to Lead
Talked to Lead and Scheduled a Buyer Appt
Talked to Lead and Scheduled a Listing Appt
Each time one of these call outcomes is logged, the Conversation count in Sisu will increase by 1.
8. If desired, enable the setting Sync Sierra Tags to Sisu. (green = enabled)
About This Setting!
About This Setting!
As soon as you apply a non-integration tag to a Lead Profile in Sierra, the tag is automatically added to the corresponding Sisu transaction.
Once an hour, this setting also syncs the full list of non-integration tags in Sierra to Sisu's full list of tags (found under Admin > Tasks). Once the integration adds tags from Sierra to Sisu, you can see them and use them in any transaction.
If a lead in Sierra Interactive is associated to 2 transactions in Sisu (a buyer and a seller), we won't know which transaction the tag should apply to. In this case, we can't sync the tags.
9. If desired, enable the setting Sync Sisu Tags to Sierra. (green = enabled)
About This Setting!
About This Setting!
When you apply a non-integration tag to a Sisu transaction, the tag is added to the corresponding Lead Profile in Sierra. The tag is added as soon as the form with the Tags field is next updated.
⚠️ *IMPORTANT*: Because of limitations in the Sierra side of this integration, the list of non-integration tags in Sierra must match the list in Sisu in order for this setting to work. Spelling and spacing must match exactly! We recommend enabling the Sierra to Sisu tag setting (see setting above) to sync your Sierra tag list to Sisu. This will prevent misspellings. Then you'll need to manually enter any Sisu tags in Sierra that are still missing from the list. If you need to add any future tags, you can add them in Sierra and let the integration pass them to Sisu.
10. If desired, enable the setting Update "Counts and Expenses" Report.
About This Setting!
About This Setting!
Any time a new lead is added to Sierra Interactive, the total lead count in Sisu will automatically increase for the lead source that provided the lead. This setting does not affect At Bat numbers.
To find lead source information in Sisu, including lead count totals, do the following:
11. The last setting is Update Sisu Activities for the following Sierra Lead Statuses. In Sierra, if you only want interactions with leads of certain statuses to affect Activities in Sisu, you can specify those statuses by doing the following:
a. Click the drop-down and select a status from the drop-down menu.
b. Click the Add Value button to add another drop-down.
c. Click the newly added drop-down and select another status.
d. Repeat these steps to add as many statuses as you need.
About This Setting!
About This Setting!
This setting allows you use lead status to limit which lead interactions in Sierra affect Activity counts in Sisu.
Let's say you only select the Watch status.
When a call is logged for a lead in Sierra that has a status of "Watch," the Sisu Activity "Sierra Calls" will increase by 1. Calls logged for any other Sierra status won't affect Activity counts in Sisu.
12. Click Finish when you're done adjusting settings.
How to Use the Sisu "Contact URL" Field to Open Sierra Lead Profiles
As soon as you enable the Sierra Interactive integration, you can add a field called Sierra Contact URL to any form. This field isn't added to your Sisu forms by default. When agents open a Sisu transaction that originated from Sierra, they'll be able to use this field to open the corresponding Sierra Lead Profile.
📖 Note
For help adding fields to a form, check out this article in our Knowledge Base.