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Agent and Client Perspectives of Roadmaps

Learn how clients see the changes made to their roadmaps. This article also covers how to mark steps as completed.

Alex Masterson avatar
Written by Alex Masterson
Updated over 9 months ago

The following training, which has been split into 2 videos, shows the client perspective of roadmaps on one screen and the agent perspective on another.

Topics in this article:

  • Part 1: Agent Actions that Affect the Client View

  • Part 2: Marking Roadmap Steps as Complete

Use the table of contents on the right side of the screen to jump to a particular topic.

Part 1: Agent Actions that Affect the Client View

Video Note: To optimize viewing, watch this video on Loom. You can do this by clicking the square icon with an arrow coming out of it, which appears in the top-right corner of the video.

Key Takeaways

  • When viewing a transaction in Client Portal, you can click the Roadmaps tab to see assigned roadmaps.

  • Clients can't see any steps marked as Internal.

  • Agents can add steps, delete steps, and edit steps.

  • Any changes made to a roadmap are immediately visible to the client.

Part 2: Marking Roadmap Steps as Complete

Video Note: To optimize viewing, watch this video on Loom. You can do this by clicking the square icon with an arrow coming out of it, which appears in the top-right corner of the video.

Key Takeaways

  • To mark a task-driven step as complete, go to the client's transaction and mark the corresponding task as Completed.

  • To mark a Key Date step as complete, go to the client's forms and enter the date in the corresponding field.

  • Roadmap steps that are marked as complete will show a green dot to the left of the step, instead of a gray one.

  • Any changes made to a roadmap are immediately visible to the client.

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