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2024 Release Notes for Sisu Classic
2024 Release Notes for Sisu Classic

This article contains all of Sisu's new features, improvements, and bug fixes for 2024.

Kayla Zeigler avatar
Written by Kayla Zeigler
Updated over 2 months ago

Every 2 weeks, we push out (or "release") new features, improvements, and bug fixes to our production environment ( In this article, you can see a history of all those changes for 2024. The most recent release is always at the top, followed by past releases. Use the table of contents to the right to easily jump to past releases.

December 12

New Features:

New Features

Brivity Integration Released

We are excited to release an integration with the Brivity CRM. 💥 This is a one way integration syncing from Brivity to Sisu that can track user activities and trigger the creation of Sisu Transactions.

More information on this integration can be found in the KB articles linked here. 📙

Bug Fixes

  • The totals in the YTD Point Leaders section at the top of the Leaderboards page were incorrectly calculating in some isolated instances. We fixed this.

  • Users apart of an Organization were unable to use fields from a shared Organization Form as merge fields in Notification Templates. This has been resolved.

  • A bug was affecting merged Lead Sources. These Lead Sources weren't appearing correctly in Admin > Lead Sources, transactions or within the Transaction Page filters. This has been resolved.

  • ISA goals were not rendering in the Recruiting Platform. We've corrected this.

November 25

New Features:

New Features

BoldTrail Integration Released

We are excited to release an integration with the BoldTrail CRM (KVCore, BoomTown Pro). 💥 This is a one way integration syncing from BoldTrail to Sisu that can track user activities and trigger the creation of Sisu Transactions.

This integration is currently only available for standalone BoldTrail accounts, not shared corporate accounts. To request this integration simply complete the request form linked here. If you're unsure of your account type you can still complete the request form and we will confirm your eligibility.

More information on this integration can be found in the KB articles linked here. 📙

Bug Fixes

  • When users were saving Transaction Comments the text formatting was not saving. We corrected this.

  • Follow Up Boss integrated users were seeing that Appt Set transactions were not created in Sisu when an unmapped ISA user set the appointment in FUB. We've updated the integration to allow the creation of the transaction even when an unmapped user sets the appointment. The transaction will be created in Sisu, however, the unmapped ISA user will not be synced to the Appt Set by ISA field.

November 7

Bug Fixes

  • When a user was added to the Agent Splits section of the Commission Form any adjustments added to the Primary Agent in the Commission Form were incorrectly listed under the Secondary Agent on the Commission Report. This has been corrected.

  • TC users were unable to view the Activity by Agent Report. We fixed this.

  • Task Lists set to trigger on the Listing Expired status were immediately triggering when any date was entered into the Listing Expiration Date field. This has been resolved.

  • The setting "Include adjustments in CDA" has been updated; if the setting is enabled users will be able to check the Hide Adjustments box when generating a CDA. If the setting is disabled the Hide Adjustments box will be automatically checked.

October 23

Bug Fixes

  • Some users were encountering a server error when attempting to merge Lead Sources. This has been fixed.

  • There was an issue with the 'Second Contact Email' form field that was preventing the sending of email notifications to any email input in this field. We corrected this.

  • A bug was preventing Task Lists from triggering on the 1st Time Offer and 1st Time Showing statuses. This has been resolved.

  • The 'Partner' box was unselectable for Platform Vendors. This has been fixed.

  • The Cap Year selector was not appearing in Admin > Users > Edit when both Cap Year Anniversary dates were not input. We corrected this.

  • We fixed an issue affecting Per Unit type Challenges where the 'Points Per Unit' count was not reflecting accurately when only one user received Challenge points.

October 10

Improvements to existing functionality:


Pages Routing To Sisu Next

For Sisu teams with 10 users or less, the following pages will only be available in Sisu Next. You will be automatically redirected when attempting to access any of these pages from Classic.

  • Team Dashboard

  • Personal Dashboard

  • Leaderboards

  • Task Manager

  • Lead Source Reports

If you're apart of a team with more than 10 users and are interested in enabling this for your team please reach out to our Customer Success team via the chat bubble in Sisu. 💬

Commission CDA Payments Report Update

The CDA Payments Report has been enhanced to include all commission adjustments made on any Commission Forms. This is a significant improvement for teams needing more visibility into totals for Adjustment Categories - not just the Adjustment Entity. However, keep in mind that simply adding the numbers won't yield the totals for the Team or Lead Agent. The report will display both the "Entity" and the "Lead Agent." For example, if an Adjustment is deducted from the Team and allocated to the Lead Agent, the Lead Agent will appear twice on the report: once with the Adjustment total and once with the Agent/Team total.

Commission Form:

Commission CDA Payments Report:

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a bug that was causing new Transaction Comments to override existing Comments. This would only occur if a single user was editing 2 Transaction Comments (within one Transaction) at the same time.

  • Data associated with inactive users was not included in the Summary Dashboard Report. We corrected this.

  • The Google Map integration (available with our Premier subscription) was limiting the amount of transactions shown on the map based on the number of transactions currently viewed on the Transaction Page and not the total number of transactions. We've updated this - the map will not show the total number of transactions (with complete addresses).

September 25

Improvements to existing functionality:


Added "Loan Assumption" As New Loan Type Option

Users can now select "Loan Assumption" in the Loan Type field.

Ability To Select Multiple Vendors As Partners

Admin and TC users will now be able to select multiple Vendors as "Partners". If a Vendor is selected as a Partner they will then be listed at the top of the list of selections in the vendor type form field. We don't recommend marking every Vendor as Partner as then no Vendors will be prioritized in the list. You can make a Vendor a Partner by navigating to Admin > Vendors > Edit.

Bug Fixes

  • The totals in the "Signed" and "Under Contract" columns within the Summary Dashboard Report were appearing as transaction volume instead of transaction unit count. We corrected this.

  • The totals in the "Closed" and "Volume" columns within the Lead Sources by Agent Report were appearing incorrectly. This has been fixed.

  • When the setting "Include 10,000th decimal place on commission forms" is enabled the additional decimals will still display on the Commission Form but will no longer display on the CDA.

September 12

Improvements to existing functionality:


Client Portal - Added Ability To Scroll Through Documents

When viewing Documents in the Client Portal you're now able to scroll from one document view to the next seamlessly with one single click! Just utilize the < and > icons shown in the gif below (click the gif to enlarge viewing).

Target List Date Added To Active Listings & Buyers Report

We've added a new column, "Target List Date", to the Active Listings And Buyers Report.

In order to see this column on the report you'll need to have the "Target List Date" field on at least one of your forms. To add this field to a form navigate to Admin > Team Settings > Forms & Fields and follow these steps:

  1. In-line with a form, click Edit.

  2. Scroll down until you see the Available Fields section on the right.

  3. Use the search bar to find the desired field then click the arrow button in-line with the field you want to add. Your change is saved automatically.

For more information on form fields check out this article. 📙

Under Contract GCI Leaderboard Updated

The Under Contract GCI Leaderboard now displays dollar amounts instead of unit counts.

Note: Admin and TC users can restrict Leaderboards by navigating to Admin > Team Settings > View Restrictions.

Bug Fixes

  • When users were selecting "All Admins" in the Send To field when utilizing the Email Now functionality any other recipients selected would not receive the email. This has been corrected. Additionally we've added a new recipient selection called "All Admins ONLY" which will only send the email to Admin users on your team roster.

  • There was a grammatical error with the "Appt Set by ISA" merge field. This has been corrected. If a user selects "None" in the Appt Set by ISA form field then "None" will appear in the email when using the merge field.

August 28

Bug Fixes

  • We resolved an issue with our Mojo integration that was preventing data from syncing.

  • The “Allow agents and ISAs to change Transaction Status" preference found in Admin > Team Settings > Preferences was malfunctioning. We fixed this.

  • When an agent allocated income towards the team (by selecting the team as the entity) in multiple adjustments in the Commission Form the totals were not calculating accurately in the Commission Report. This has been resolved. Please note that this did not affect the Net Income total in the report; this total was and is still correct.

  • The Commission Report was duplicating amounts that were deducted from the team's income via the Pre-Spit and/or Referral Adjustments within the Commission Form. This was corrected.

  • The Cappers slide within Display Mode was limiting the amount of users shown to only 10. We increased this limit to 20 Cappers per page, rotating to ensure all of your Cappers are displayed.

  • We fixed an issue that was preventing the "Appt Set by ISA" and "TC" merge fields from pulling field data into Notification Templates.

August 15

Bug Fixes

  • In the Recruiting platform we updated the 'Client Type' field to 'Recruit Type'.

  • When downloading the Lead Source ROI by Agent Report into a CSV file some Lead Sources were not included. We corrected this.

  • When downloading the Commission CDA Payments Report into a CSV file Pre-Split Adjustment Categories were listed as 'Label' instead of the actual category name. This has been corrected.

  • The Commission Report was displaying amounts that were deducted from a user and added to the team's income incorrectly. We fixed this.

  • The daily 'Tasks Due' email was not rendering the user's profile photo. This has been corrected.

August 6

New Features:

Improvements to existing functionality:

New Features

New Leaderboards Categories Added

We've added 5 new Leaderboard categories based on pending transaction data:

  1. Pending GCI

  2. Pending Volume

  3. Pending Units

  4. Buyers Pending Units

  5. Listing Pending Units

These new Leaderboards can be easily accessed by utilizing the Board scope:


New Selection Added To 'Loan Type' Field

We've added "NACA" as a new selection to the 'Loan Type' form field.

For information on how to add fields to your forms check out this KB article!

Bug Fixes

  • The "Commission Adjustment Name" column in the Commission CDA Payments Report wasn't rendering the Adjustment Name and instead was rendering the Entity. We fixed this.

  • The Commission Report and the Commission Payments Report weren't reflecting deductions in parenthesis. This has been corrected.

  • The Payments section of the Commission Form was not calculating correctly when an entity received commission from multiple adjustments in the Final Adjustments section. This was resolved.

  • We fixed an issue that was preventing an ISA user from viewing their Secondary Income in the Commission Report.

  • Users were encountering an error when using the Email Now function to share a form. The error only occurred when the client was selected as a recipient. This has been corrected.

  • We fixed an issue where the downloaded CSV file was not including all transactions filtered transactions from the Transaction Page.

  • The "Agent Cap Info" section, found in Account > Profile, was displaying a future cap date range. We fixed this.

  • The "Done" column on the Task Board within the Task Manager was not displaying completed tasks when the scope was selected to view Status: All. This has been resolved.

July 16

New features:

Improvements to existing functionality:

New Features

"Visible On CDA" Checkbox For Commission Entities

Pre-Split and Referral adjustments that are selected as Add (additional commission) require an Entity to be selected. If users do not want that Entity to appear on the CDA they can navigate to Admin > Commissions > Adjustment Entities, select Edit and uncheck the "Visible on CDA" box.

The "Visible on CDA" box will be checked by default on any existing Adjustment Entities.


Ability To Select Entity On 'Add' Adjustments

Previously when applying a Commission Adjustment selected as an "Add" type adjustment (additional commission) there wasn't a field to select an Entity. We've added this field.

Bug Fixes

  • If a Commission Adjustment Entity was selected as "Other" users were encountering an error when generating a CDA. We resolved this issue and users are now able to select "Other" as an Adjustment Entity.

  • We corrected an issue affecting the team scope selection on the ISA by ISA report.

  • Users were encountering an issue when attempting to update the selected TC from the Transaction's Tasks page. We fixed this.

  • Commission Adjustments added under the Final Adjustments category within the Commission Form were not appearing on the CDA. This has been corrected.

  • We fixed an issue that was causing the Net Team GCI to calculate incorrectly when a Group was selected in the scope on the Lead Source ROI by Agent report.

  • Some users encountered an issue with the CDA displaying the TC user role instead of the user's name. This issue was resolved.

  • Seller transactions were prematurely updating to the Listing Expired status a day ahead of the date entered into the Listing Expiration Date field. This has been corrected.

  • We corrected a bug that occurred when selecting a Group as the Adjustment Entity within the Commission Form. All amounts are now listed under the Payments section in the Commission Form.

  • When the Primary Agent CDA was generated via the Commission Form it was including other users' income. We fixed this.

  • Commission Adjustments selected as "Add" (additional income) were not appearing on the Commission Report. The report now correctly lists these adjustments.

  • Final Adjustments (within the Commission Form) selected to calculate on Adjusted GCI were incorrectly calculating as $0. This has been fixed.

  • The Cap Info (within the Commission Form) was not taking into account any Final Adjustments added that were selected to apply to Caps. This issue was resolved and Final Adjustments are now counting correctly towards Caps.

  • The Transaction History was logging inaccurate Task due dates. We added logic to consider the team's timezone when logging Task due dates in the Transaction History.

  • We corrected an issue that occurred when sharing a form. If "All Admins" was selected as a recipient but individual Admin users were also selected the email sending would fail. This issue will no longer occur.

June 26

Bug Fixes

  • When a Commission Adjustment was added to a Commission Form and the entity in the Adjustment was selected as a Group the deducted amount was not appearing under the Payments section or in the CDA. We corrected this.

  • We fixed a bug that was affecting users who are apart of multiple Sisu teams. When viewing the Transaction Stages Board for one team, the user can now switch teams and view the data without needing to clear their cache.

  • In the last release we corrected a bug with the Commission Form and how Adjustment Entity's work when applying an "add" adjustment. This bug was found with the recent addition of the "Final Adjustments" section on the Commission Form. In an effort to correct this we inadvertently created discrepancies with previously entered data. We are working to correct past commission data for teams who have been affected. Moving forward, all adjustments that “Add” income will need to have the correct entity. Please reach out to our Customer Success team if you have questions or you feel your data appears incorrect and we can fix it right away.

  • There were some discrepancies between the Lead Source ROI by Lead Source Report and Lead Source ROI by Agent Report. We corrected this however some numbers will be slightly different between the reports because the metric 'Cost Per Lead' is calculated differently for the Team vs the Agent. If an Agent is selected in the scope then Cost Per Lead is calculated by dividing Expense by the At Bats. If the Team is selected in the scope then Cost Per Lead is calculated by dividing Expense by Total Leads.

June 18

New features:

Improvements to existing functionality:

New Features

New CDA Preference 'Only show business entity in CDA`

We've added a new Commission Preference, `Only show business entity in CDA`, which can be found by navigating to Admin > Commissions > Preferences. When this setting is enabled the `Include name and business entity in CDA` will be automatically disabled, and vice versa.

Business Entities can be assigned to individual users by navigating to Admin > Users > Edit then scroll down to the Business Entity field.


Mojo Integration - Now Incrementing 'Conversations' and 'Number Of Dials' Activities

We've made 2 updates to what Activities are incremented by the integration:

  • Totals from the custom activity 'Conversations (Mojo)' will now also increment the default 'Conversations' activity.

  • Totals from the custom activity 'Number of Dials (Mojo)' will now also increment the default 'Number of Dials' activity.

For more information on the Mojo integration check out the KB article here.

Bug Fixes

  • Some teams reported the names of their custom Activities were appearing as ID numbers when used as Challenge categories. We fixed this.

  • The total in the 'Units Pending' tile on the Team and Personal Dashboards was including transactions with a future date entered into the Under Contract Date field. We've updated the tile to no longer include these. Additionally we do not recommend entering a future date in the Under Contract Date field; this should typically be the date you have a fully executed Agreement of Sale.

  • Vendor fields were not available in the Recruiting platform. They've been added to the platform and can be added to your forms by navigating to Admin > Team Settings > Forms & Fields.

  • The Skyslope integration was not taking into account the Transaction Type which was resulting in some transactions linking incorrectly. This has been corrected.

  • Amounts entered into the Final Adjustments section of the Commission Form were not reflecting correctly on the Commission Payments Report. This has been resolved.

May 30

New features:

Improvements to existing functionality:

New Features

"Final Adjustments" Section Added To The Commission Form

A new section titled "Final Adjustments" has been added to the Commission Form. This will allow users to calculate commission adjustments on Paid Income after Post-split Adjustments have been added. This will be especially helpful for teams with more complex commission structures.

Here's an example of functionality:

Agent Kayla paid Showing Assistant Erin a portion of her commission by adding a Post-Split Adjustment in the Commission Form:

Since Erin is the entity on the Post-Split Adjustment she is now added to the Final Adjustment section as well as the Payments section.

Erin donates part of every commission earned to the Give Back Emergency Fund so we've added a Final Adjustment to deduct that amount. This now recalculates her amount in the Payments section as well as adds the amount going to the Give Back Emergency Fund:


Ability To Calculate Commissions On Transaction Amount

We've added the ability to calculate Post-Split Adjustments and Final Adjustments on the Commission Form based on Transaction Amount. This will be especially helpful for teams with more complex commission structures.

Ability To Hide Inactive Users In The TC Field

A new preference was created that gives Admin and TC users the ability to show or hide Inactive Agents in the TC form field.

This preference can be found by navigating to Admin > Team Settings > Preferences > 'Allow admins and TCs to see inactive agents in the "TC" field'

Bug Fixes

  • We corrected an issue on the CDA Payouts section where the user's name was listed twice. This issue stemmed from the user not having a business entity in their user profile.

  • Users had reported they weren't able to select an ISA user in the scope on the Production & Activity Report. We fixed this.

May 8

New features:

New Features

We’ve added a preference to show Buyer Showing before Buyer Signed

We have added a preference titled "Follow NAR status order" so Admin/TC users can choose the order of the Buyer Signed and Buyer 1st Showing statuses. This preference can be found by navigating to Admin > Team Settings > Preferences.

This preference will adjust the order of the Buyer Signed and Buyer Showing circles on the Personal and Team Dashboard.

This preference will also adjust the order of the Buyer Signed and Buyer Showing in Reports.

Income Report Enhancements

Enhancements have been made to include Secondary Agent Income and any income Users receive when they are marked as an “Entity” on the Commission Form.

Admins and TC’s will be able to see Secondary Agent and Entity income in the “Totals” table at the bottom of the report when viewing the “Team” scope. Note that you will only see the Net Income- not the transaction data. That will remain visible for the Lead Agent only.

They will also be able to see it when selecting to view an individual user in the scope.

Users will see the additional income when they view their individual Income Reports:

Bug Fixes

  • When viewing the Agent Accountability Report and selecting an ISA user in the scope the Appointments Met data was not displayed correctly. This has been corrected.

  • Vendor logos were removed when Vendors were edited in Admin > Vendors. This has been corrected.

  • When Admin and ISA users accessed the Transaction Stages Board there were no scopes initially set, so no transactions would show. We have corrected this by implementing a default scope.

  • The CSV file that can be downloaded from the Income Report was adjusted so the columns correctly match the headers in the Totals table.

April 24

Improvements to existing functionality:


We're Changing the Order of the Signed Circles on the Circles Dashboard

On the Circles Dashboard, the buyer and seller Signed circles now follow the Appointment Met circles. We made this change to comply with industry changes.

--How do I get to the Circles Dashboard?--

Go to Dashboards > Team Dashboard (or the Personal Dashboard). The Circles Dashboard opens by default.

We're Changing the Order of Statuses in Reports

Due to industry changes, we're adjusting the order of statuses in our reports so that the Signed status always follows the Appointment Met status.

--Where can I find reports in Sisu?--

To find reports, click the Reports tab at the top of Sisu.

We've Changed How Task Notifications Are Sent

Task Notifications that have been set to "Adhere to business hours" are being sent at the start of the next team delivery window.

--Where can admins set a task to "Adhere to business hours"?--

Admins can click the checkbox "Adhere to business hours" when adding or editing tasks in Sisu.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a bug with the Average Price Tiles. The Outbound Referral units have been removed from the calculation.

  • Pending and Status filters were looking off after 4 pm. We've fixed this.

  • Users logged in as agents were seeing inactive agents in the Transaction Filter. We fixed this.

April 10

Bug Fixes

  • We had a bug affecting task list triggers. We've fixed this bug and we're working hard to make the changes needed to optimize everything that has to do with notifications and triggers.

  • Notification emails that were set to be sent to all agents weren't being sent to new agents. We've fixed this.

  • We fixed a bug affecting Team vs Team Challenges, where one team couldn't see the other team's results. Both teams should be able to see all results.

  • The option to view a user's history was not working. We've fixed this.

  • When users clicked on the GCI Pending tile, they were directed to the Transactions screen but the filters were wrong. We've fixed this. When you click on the GCI Pending tile, you should be taken to your Transactions screen, and it should be filtered by team and by "Status: Pending."

April 2

New Features:

Improvements to existing functionality:

New Features

You Can Now Embed YouTube Videos in a Roadmap Step

You can have a video appear in any roadmap step. When adding or editing steps, you'll see a new field called "YouTube video embed." Enter the video's ID (NOT the full URL) in the field. See the instructions below for help finding that ID.

--Where is this new field?--

1. Log into Client Portal.

2. Navigate to a client's transaction by doing one of the following:

  • Use the contact search bar

  • Click in-line with a transaction in the Recently Viewed Transactions section

  • Click in-line with a transaction in the Transactions section

3. Click the Roadmaps tab.

4. Hover your mouse over a roadmap step, and then click the pencil icon.

5. Under the Description box, you'll see the YouTube Video Embed field.

--Where do I find a YouTube video's ID?--

1. Go to YouTube and find a video that you want to include in a step.

2. Locate the URL at the top of the screen.

3. Copy and paste everything AFTER the equal sign.


We're Allowing More Characters in a Client Portal Roadmap Step

Now you can have up to 1000 characters in each roadmap step.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a bug that was affecting the Transactions screen. Users were filtering for the Signed status, but transactions with future dates entered into other key date fields were not appearing. We've fixed this. Signed transactions with future dates should still appear on the Transactions screen when it's filtered for the Signed status.

  • The "Time Received" shown on comments in Message Center was slightly off. We've fixed this.

  • For those who had the setting "Allow agents to create and re-assign transactions for other agents" enabled, agents weren't able to edit current transactions or create new ones. We've fixed this.

  • TCs were getting logged out of Client Portal when going to Admin > Team Notifications. We've fixed this.

March 13

Improvements to existing functionality:


We Updated Tooltips for the Agent Paid Income Tiles on the Personal Dashboard

When on your personal Dashboard, you have access to the following tiles:

  • Net Agent Paid Income Pending

  • Net Agent Paid Income

  • Average Net Agent Paid Income

We've updated the tooltips for each of these tiles to make sure it's clear how they work.

--How do I get to the Agent Paid Income tiles?--

1. Go to Dashboard > Personal.

2. Scroll down to see the Net Agent Income tiles. They're located under the pacer circles.

New Vendor Type

We've added a new vendor type: Sewer Line Inspector.

Bug Fixes

  • A bug was showing up whenever future dates were added to key date fields (key date field = any field that changes a transaction's status). The entered date would arrive and the status would change, but task lists for the new status wouldn't trigger and the status change wouldn't show up in the Transaction History. We've fixed this. On the day the future date becomes the current date, the status should change and all task lists connected to that status should be sent out.

  • We fixed a bug affecting users who were not only adding multiple status dates at one time BUT ALSO had task lists set to trigger for multiple statuses. In this scenario, each list is supposed to trigger, but we discovered that only a single task list was being applied to the transaction. We've fixed this.

  • We fixed a bug affecting the public display link for Group challenges.

  • We fixed a bug preventing TCs from viewing the Agent Accountability report.

  • We fixed a bug that prevented users from deleting a task's due date.

February 28

Improvements to existing functionality:


You Can Now Use an Email Template When Emailing from the Documents Page

When sending an email from the Documents page of a transaction, you can now use an email template.

--How do you send an email via the Documents page of a transaction?--

1. Go to Transactions > Transactions.

2. Click in-line with a transaction to open it.

3. In the menu on the left, click "Documents" to open the Documents page.

4. Scroll down and click the "Send" button in-line with a document. (See the right side of the screen.)

Bug Fixes

  • PDF attachments on Sisu emails were showing up blank or corrupted for all Gmail-integrated users. We've fixed this.

  • The "time received" shown on comments in Message Center was slightly off. We've fixed this.

  • We fixed a bug where challenges were showing actual unit counts rather than challenge point totals.

  • We fixed an error that was appearing when users tried to upload a profile picture.

  • Dashboard credit was not being accurately reflected when users were giving away credit to a rental or outside referral via an Agent Split. We've fixed this.

  • Specifying columns in one section of the Active Listings & Buyers report was changing columns for other sections of the report. We've fixed this so that each section can have a different set of columns.

  • A bug was showing its ugly head when future dates were added to key date fields (any field that changes a transaction's status). When the date arrived, task lists for the new status weren't triggering and the status change wasn't reflected in the Transaction History. We've fixed this. On the day the future date becomes the current date, the status should change and all task lists connected to that status should be sent out.

February 14

Improvements to existing functionality:


We're Restricting Staging Emails to Only "" Email Addresses

Certain users, clients, and vendors sometimes receive unwanted test emails from To prevent this moving forward, we're turning off staging emails for anyone who doesn't have a email address.

New Tooltip for the Daily Task Reminder Setting

We added a tooltip that appears next to the admin-level and user-level Daily Task Reminder setting. The tooltip explains the following: The Daily Task Reminders are sent when a user has tasks “Due Today” or overdue tasks. Emails will not be sent if there are no tasks due. Emails for overdue tasks will stop sending after a task is overdue for 7 days.

--Why is there an admin-level and user-level setting for Daily Task Reminders?--

The admin can enable or disable these notifications for the team, but then each user can go to Account > Notification Settings and specify their own personal preference. The user-level setting overrides the admin-level setting.

--How do I get to the user-lever Daily Task Reminder setting?--

Go to Account > Notification Settings.

--How do admins get to the admin-level Daily Task Reminder setting?--

1. Go to Admin > Team Settings.

2. In the menu on the left, click "Notifications Settings."

Bug Fixes

  • Some users reported that the "Added" date was showing "None" after uploading a document to a transaction. We've fixed this so that the "Added" date properly appears.

  • The restriction "Agent/ISA View of Commission Form" wasn't working properly. It was allowing ISAs to view the Commission Form even when set to "Restricted." We've fixed this.

  • The ISA: Appointments Set leaderboard was showing incorrect numbers. We've fixed this.

  • The Tasks Overdue leaderboard wasn't showing correct numbers. We've fixed this so that the leaderboard's numbers match the overdue tasks shown under Task Manager > Task List.

  • Users were seeing an error message each time they tried to send the Commission Form's data via email. The email was being sent but an error was still appearing. We've fixed this error.

  • The Commission report wasn't including adjustments. We've fixed this.

January 25

New features:

Improvements to existing functionality:

New Features

Admins Can Hide Leaderboards From Agents and Admins Alike

Admins can now restrict leaderboards from agents and ISAs when there are leaderboards they don't need to see. Admins can also restrict leaderboards from admins and TCs when there are leaderboards they don't want to see.

--How do admins restrict leaderboards?--

1. Go to Admin > Team Settings.

2. In the menu on the left, click "View Restrictions."

3. Scroll down to the Restricted Leaderboards section.

4. Click the checkboxes to hide/show Leaderboards to different roles. A checked box means the leaderboard is HIDDEN.

New Easy Way for Admins to See Which Vendors Are Platform Vendors

We've added a Platform Vendor column under Admin > Vendors. The column shows "True" if a vendor is a Platform Vendor, which means they have access to Client Portal. Now admins can tell at a glance who is a Platform Vendor and who isn't.

--How do admins get to Admin > Vendors?--

New Setting: Contacts and Vendors Can View the General Folder in Client Portal

We're adding a new setting that will allow you to make the General folder in Client Portal visible to contacts and vendors. The new setting is "Show General folder and documents inside to Contacts and Vendors in the Client Portal."

--Where can admins and TCs find this new setting?--

1. Go to Admin > Team Settings.

2. In the menu on the left, click "Preferences."

3. The new setting is in the Miscellaneous section, which is the first section on the page. It's called "Show General folder and documents inside to Contacts and Vendors in the Client Portal."

New Setting: Restrict Transaction Amount on the Active Listings and Buyers Report

We're adding a new team setting that allows teams to prevent agents from seeing the transaction amounts that appear on the Active Listings and Buyers report. The new setting is "Exclude Transaction Amount from Agents on Active Listing and Buyers Reports."

--Where can admins and TCs find this new setting?--

1. Go to Admin > Team Settings.

2. In the menu on the left, click "Preferences."

3. The new setting is in the Miscellaneous section, which is the first section on the page. It's called "Exclude Transaction Amount from Agents on Active Listing and Buyers Reports."

New Setting: Allow the Client Uploads Folder to Be Visible to Vendors

We're adding a new team setting that allows vendors to have access to the Client Uploads folder in Client Portal. The new setting is "Allow Vendors to see the Client Uploads folder and documents inside in the Client Portal."

--Where can admins and TCs find this new setting?--

1. Go to Admin > Team Settings.

2. In the menu on the left, click "Preferences."

3. The new setting is in the Miscellaneous section, which is the first section on the page. It's called "Allow Vendors to see the Client Uploads folder and documents inside in the Client Portal."


We Added a Search Bar to Admin > Vendors

Now admins can use a search bar to find a specific vendor in their list of vendors.

--How do admins get to Admin > Vendors?--

We've Updated the Setting "Allow agents to update Brokerage and Royalty Cap Amounts"

When the team setting "Allow agents to update Brokerage and Royalty Cap Amounts" is enabled, agents can now also edit their cap year anniversary dates. Previously, this setting only allowed agents to edit their cap amounts.

--Where can admins and TCs find this setting?--

1. Go to Admin > Team Settings.

2. In the menu on the left, click "Preferences."

3. The new setting is in the Miscellaneous section, which is the first section on the page. It's called "Allow agents to update Brokerage and Royalty Cap Amounts."

Bug Fixes

  • When searching/adding vendors under Admin > Vendors, it was possible to add the same vendor twice. We've fixed this so that it's no longer possible to add duplicate vendors.

  • Previously, when certain users would approve a document, it would change the date the document was added to Sisu. We've fixed this.

January 10

New features:

Improvements to existing functionality:

New Features

New Setting: Allow admins and TCs to see inactive agents in the "ISA" field

We've added a new team setting: Allow admins and TCs to see inactive agents in the "ISA" field. When enabled, admins and TCs will be able to see inactive agents in the "Appt Set by (ISA)" field. When disabled, inactive agents won't be visible in that field.

--Where can admins and TCs find this new setting?--

1. Go to Admin > Team Settings.

2. In the menu on the left, click "Preferences."

3. The new setting is in the Miscellaneous section, which is the first section on the page. It's called "Allow admins and TCs to see inactive agents in the 'ISA' field."

Vendors in Client Portal Can Use Direct Messaging Now

Any vendors you've invited to Client Portal can now use direct messaging.
Vendors with an Essentials team can send direct messages with an @ mention to any internal team members. Vendors with a Premier team can send direct messages with an @ mention to any internal team member and to clients.


We're Relabeling 3 Terms in the Commission Report

  • In the Team section, we're changing "GCI" to "Total GCI"

  • In the Team section, we're changing "Team Income (Gross)" to "Team Income (AGI/ Adjusted Gross Income)"

  • In the Agent section, we're changing the "Gross" column to "(AGI/ Adjusted Gross Income)"

--Where can I find the Commission report?--

To find reports, click the "Reports" tab at the top of Sisu.

Address Is Now Included in the Downloadable List of Users

When downloading the spreadsheet of the list of users from Admin > Users, the address is now included in the file.

--How does an admin download a spreadsheet that includes a list of users?--

1. Go to Admin > Users.

2. In the top-right corner, click the "CSV" button.

Improved Notification Email Delivery Times

We've further improved the delivery frequency of notification emails that are triggered by tasks. Once an email is triggered, it will generally be sent within 2 minutes (and never more than 20), as long as the task was triggered inside the team's set delivery window.

--Where can an admin adjust their team's delivery window?--

1. Go to Admin > Team Settings. The Team Profile opens by default.

2. At the bottom of the Team Profile, you'll see the following delivery window fields:

  • Notification Delivery Window Start

  • Notification Delivery Window End

--How do admins set up notification emails?--

To learn more about this, check out this article from our Knowledge Base.

Bug Fixes

  • We've fixed a bug affecting the UI of the Task Manager, which had certain columns covering other elements on the screen.

  • We had some reports that the YTD Under Contract click-throughs on the Snapshot screen weren't showing the correct numbers. We've fixed this.

  • We fixed a bug that was causing buyer task lists to trigger for sellers and vice versa.

  • The Agent / Team Production report was showing incorrect numbers in the Pending column. We've fixed this. The Pending column should only display transactions that are currently in a Pending status.

  • When a user would set an "Appointment Set" date from the Record tab, the "Appt Set by ISA" field would then incorrectly update with that user's name. We've fixed this.

  • Users were deleting tasks from Sisu, but the tasks applied to the transaction weren't being deleted from the Task Manager as they should have been. We've fixed this.

  • Certain amounts in the Payments section of the Commission Form weren't appearing on the Commission Payments report. We've fixed this. All amounts in the Payments section of the Commission Form should be included in the Commission Payments report.

  • We had some teams report that the Sierra Interactive integration was not syncing properly. We've fixed this.

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