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Top Reports to Drill Down Your Business
Top Reports to Drill Down Your Business

These are the top Reports that will help you navigate your data and make informed decisions for your business.

Kayla Zeigler avatar
Written by Kayla Zeigler
Updated over a week ago

The purpose and practical use of each of these reports is to help you make more informed decisions based on the data you’ve worked hard to store in your Sisu account. Click one of the reports below to learn more about it:

Active Listings & Buyers Report

This is a great place to see all your seller transactions that actively have the status of Signed, Live Listing, or Pending. This report also shows you buyer transactions that actively have a status of Pending. The count at the top of each status's section shows the total number of transactions in the section.

The Listing Expiration Date column will help you keep your eye on when the listings will be expiring. It will turn red to remind you that it is close to expiring. All data from the columns are directly connected to corresponding fields in the forms. For example, the GCI column pulls from the "GCI" field found in the Commission Form.

The following are the different sections you can find in the report:

  • Signed (Coming Soon) Listings: Seller transactions that have a current Signed status appear in this section. Any signed buyers will need to be filtered and viewed on the Transactions screen.

  • Live Listings: Seller transactions appear in this section if they have dates entered into the "Signed Date" field and the "MLS Live Date" field.

    ℹ️ Note: If a listing has an MLS Live date but no signed date, it won't appear in this section.

  • Listings Under Contract: Seller transactions appear in this section if they have a date entered in the "Under Contract Date" field.

  • Buyers Under Contract: Buyer transactions appear in this section if they have a date entered in the "Under Contract Date" field.

Agent Accountability Report

This is one of the most data-driven and important reports! This view will show similar data as the Dashboard and transactional data for transactions that have been in a status during your selected time period. This report is only able to be scoped by individual agents.

Components of the Agent Accountability Report

Video Note: To optimize viewing, watch this video on Loom. You can do this by clicking the square icon with an arrow coming out of it, which appears in the top-right corner of the video.

How to Implement the Agent Accountability Report

Income Report

The Income report was built for business owners looking to forecast their income. Based on your pending transactions, you can quickly look at any date range to see what your GCI, Net GCI, and even Net Income are if you have added general expenses in the Admin > Expenses tab for the month. This is also a great place to quickly see the Net Agent Paid Income and Net GCI for your business per transaction once the transactions are Certified in the Commission Form.

You can also drill down and see this at the agent level, which will let you know how much you are making from each agent within the designated date range.

Here is our in-depth article dedicated to the Income Report: All About the Income Report.

Pro Tips

  • Make sure your transactions have a date entered into the "Closed (Settlement) Date" field or the "Forecasted Closed Date" field.

  • When this report is viewed as an admin, the Net GCI tile shows the team income!

  • Net GCI % shows how much GCI the team is taking home.

Income Report - Agent View

This will show the agent’s net paid income. Utilize forecasted closed dates to see potential income.

Lead Source ROI by Lead Source Report

⚠️ Important Note!

Only Closed transactions apply toward your ROI.

This report lines all of your agents up side by side to see what your ROI is on any particular lead source. It essentially flips the x-axis and y-axis for the Lead Source ROI by Agent report. Again, in order for us to effectively capture this, you MUST make sure that you go to Admin > Lead Sources > Counts and Expenses each month and enter the Expense, Total Lead Count, and Agent Lead Counts. Once you've done this, you will be able to drill down and view this information for all agents for any lead source. This is also presented visually at the bottom of the page.

About ROI Percentage

We calculate ROI percentage using the following equation: ((Net Team GCI - Expenses) / Expenses)*100. When the ROI percentage is below 100%, the number should be red. Above 100% means you're making money, while below 100% means you're losing money.

About the "At Bat" Column

Remember that the At Bat column reflects all leads that an agent had the opportunity to pursue. Since the same lead can be distributed to multiple agents, the At Bat number reflects agent opportunity as opposed to the actual number of leads an agent worked with.

Vendor Report

The Vendor report shows you which vendors you're doing the most business with. Vendors begin to appear on the report when the associated transaction has a status of Pending. Remember, however, that the top section of the report is only looking at Closed transactions. So vendors associated to Pending transactions will appear there but will show 0 closed units and will not affect the pie graph. For more information about this report, check out the video below!

Video Note: To optimize viewing, watch this video on Loom. You can do this by clicking the square icon with an arrow coming out of it, which appears in the top-right corner of the video.

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