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How do I use Sisu Services to streamline my vendor ordering process?
How do I use Sisu Services to streamline my vendor ordering process?

Sisu is now making it easier than ever to refer buyers and sellers to quality vendors.

Alex Masterson avatar
Written by Alex Masterson
Updated over a month ago

You can easily refer buyers and sellers to any of our recommended vendors—and you can do the whole process from within Sisu. We use information that you've already entered in Sisu to fill out the referral form, and we even send the referral form for you.

Topics in this article:

Before you begin...

Before you refer a client to one of our recommended vendors, make sure that the "State" field is filled out in one of the transaction's forms. The "State" field tells Sisu which vendor services are available to the buyer or seller.

Connecting Buyers/Sellers to a Vendor

  1. In Sisu, go to Transactions > Transactions.

  2. Click in-line with a transaction to open it.

  3. In the Services section, click Service List.

    Note: The Services section won't appear if none of our vendors are doing business in the state where the transaction is taking place.

  4. In the Services window, click the checkbox to the left of a vendor to select it. Then click Close. The vendor you selected now appears in the Services section.

  5. Click the name of the vendor you just added in order to make its form appear.

  6. Fill out the form and click Submit. The completed form is immediately sent to the vendor.

    Note: So what happens next? That depends on the vendor. See the appendix below for each vendor's details. For some vendors, submitting the form causes a document to generate, while for others, submitting the form signals the vendor to reach out and schedule their services.

Recommending Additional Vendors

If you don't see a particular vendor in our list of recommended vendors, let us know! We'll see what we can do to get them added to the list.

  1. In Sisu, navigate to a transaction where you can see the Service List button. (See the screenshot below.)

    Note: To understand why this button might be missing, see the section in this article called Why isn't the Service List button appearing in a transaction?

  2. In the Services section, click Service List.

  3. In the Services window, click the link at the bottom where it says "Not seeing your service? Help us connect with them click here."

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Sisu services will my buyer/seller have access to?

You can refer a buyer or seller to any Sisu service that does business in the state where the transaction is taking place. For example, if a woman is buying a home in Utah, you'll be able to refer her to any Sisu service that does business in Utah.

Why isn't the Service List button appearing in a transaction?

This means that there aren't any Sisu services doing business in the state where the transaction is taking place. Make sure the State field is filled out in one of your transaction forms so that Sisu can accurately show you which vendors are available.

If you need a refresher on adding fields to a form, check out this article.

After you add the State field to your applicable forms, we provide a Bulk Change utility to make it easy to mass update your transactions.

List of Sisu Services



Phone: 800.648.5006


  • Services Offered: SnapNHD generates Natural Hazard Disclosure reports. The premium report includes hazard disclosures, tax information, notices, and maps. The Premium Residential Report is $99.95, and it's paid out of escrow only when the deal closes.

Additional Information:

  • Submitting the Sisu Services Form: After you submit the form, SnapNHD generates a Natural Hazard Disclosure report directly from Sisu.

  • Location of Generated Report: Open the transaction in Sisu (where you submitted the SnapNHD form), and then in the menu on the left, click "Documents."

  • Setting Up SnapNHD: Before you use this Service, you need to enable the integration between SnapNHD and Sisu. For help setting this up, check out this article in our Knowledge Base.

  • Sample Natural Hazard Disclosure Report:


  • Services Offered:

    • Professional photos of your listing

    • Real estate sign installation and take down

    • Lockbox installations

  • Site URL:

Contact Information:

Please contact Tanner Peck if you have questions about OBEO.

  • Name: Tanner Peck, National Account Manager

  • Mobile: 801-540-9388

Additional Information:

HomeTeam Inspection Service

Contact Information:

HomeTeam has a dedicated support team that will take care of you! If you have any questions or need any help, please reach out using one of the following contact methods:

Additional Information:

HomeTeam uses a team of inspectors on every inspection, which creates three major benefits:

  • The average home inspection is completed in less than 90 minutes.

  • The average availability to schedule is within 24-48 hours.

  • The final inspection report and walk-through are delivered onsite

Each franchise location will have different pricing and ancillary inspections, but they will be competitive to your region while also providing every possible inspection needed for your client.

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