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All CollectionsOnboarding for AdminsStep 7: Import Your Past Data
Importing Your Task Lists and Tasks into Sisu
Importing Your Task Lists and Tasks into Sisu

This article is for admin and TC roles only.

Danny Stief avatar
Written by Danny Stief
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Like with other imports, you'll need to download the import template, make a copy of it, and then fill it in. Follow the steps in the section below for help with this process.

This article is meant to be a resource to help you download and complete the import spreadsheet on your own. However, if at any point you have questions that aren't being answered by this article, don't hesitate to reach out to your Account Manager. They're here to help!

Topics in this article:

Importing Your Task Lists and Tasks into Sisu

  1. Use one of the following templates:

    • Custom template: If you've already imported your users ask your Account Manager for a custom template. This template will allow you to select users from a drop-down list.

    • Excel template: Click here to download this template.

    • Google Sheets template: Click here to download this template. Make a copy of it once it's downloaded.

      Note: One way to make a copy of a Google Template is to open the template and go to File > Make a Copy. If the "Make a Copy" button is grayed out, check out this article in our Knowledge Base for some troubleshooting tips.

  2. Open your copy of the template, and enter as much information as you can. If there's an asterisk in a column header, the column is required.

    Note: If you want an in-depth overview of the template, see the section in this article called Quickly Understand the Task List Import Spreadsheet.

  3. When you're finished, save your changes.

  4. Send the file to your Account Manager and they'll load everything into Sisu for you.

Customizing Trigger Dates for Tasks

Sisu offers a variety of dates that you can use to trigger tasks in a task list (e.g., MLS Live Date). However, you can add your own customized dates to the list of trigger dates by doing the following:

  1. Add your customized date as a custom field in Sisu.

    1. Go to Admin > Team Settings.

    2. In the menu on the left, select Custom Fields.

    3. In the Custom Fields box, click the Type drop-down and select Date.

    4. Enter the name of your customized date and then click Add.

  2. Add your custom field to a form.

    Note: For help adding a custom field to a form, check out this article in our Knowledge Base.

  3. Open the Task List Template.

    Note: See the first section in this article called Importing Your Task Lists and Tasks in Sisu if you still need to download the spreadsheet.

  4. In the template, go to the START HERE ==> Enter Info tab.

  5. In the Custom Trigger Dates column, enter the name of the custom Date field (from step 1) in a blank cell. You must enter the name of the custom field EXACTLY as it appears in Sisu.

  6. Once you've added all custom trigger dates, click on a Task List tab. Your new custom dates now appear in the Task Trigger date column's drop-down list.

Please let your Sisu support staff know that you customized some date fields so we don't miss the change.

Quickly Understand the Task List Import Spreadsheet

Video Note: To optimize viewing, watch this video on Loom. You can do this by clicking the square icon with an arrow coming out of it, which appears in the top-right corner of the video.

Key Takeaways

  • Start with the first tab (START HERE => Enter Info)

  • The names of users in the START HERE tab must match those in Sisu

  • Use the Task List 1 tab for the first task list you want to import; make copies of the Master List tab for each additional task list you want to import

  • Columns cannot be added, deleted, or hidden on this template

Task List Spreadsheet Columns at a Glance

This section allows you to review at a glance each column of each tab in the spreadsheet.


  • Firstname – Must match name in Sisu

  • Lastname – Must match name in Sisu

Task List Tab- Gray Section (Columns A – D)

  • Task List Name – Make a tab for each individual Task List

  • List Description (optional)

  • Applies to Buyer/Seller – Select an option from the drop-down menu

Task List Tab- Orange Section (Columns F – O)

  • Task Name – There may be one or several tasks for each task list

  • Task Description (optional)

  • Task or Notification – Select an option from the drop-down menu

  • Assign task to role or assignee (only required for Tasks) – Select from drop-down

  • Task Trigger date – Using the drop-down, select which part (date) of the transaction process will cause this task or notification to happen in Sisu.

  • Days – Can be used to select when the task or notification happens in Sisu, a certain number of days before (negative number) or after (number) the Task Trigger date. To trigger for the day of the Task Trigger date, enter 0 or leave blank.

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