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The Big Picture: How Innovative Is Your Approach To Data?
The Big Picture: How Innovative Is Your Approach To Data?

Anyone looking to roll out Sisu should watch this to understand the big picture and what the flow of data can look like to drive ROI.

Zac Muir avatar
Written by Zac Muir
Updated over a week ago

Here’s what lead flow looks like in Sisu, from a prospect in your CRM to a closed deal on your books. 

Every organization tracks data, whether they have a dedicated strategy for doing it or not. 

Ultimately, this data will determine your success as an organization. The numbers don’t lie. If you have a grip on these numbers, you will be able to constantly adjust and make changes to improve your operation.

Sometimes, these processes are like leaky buckets where data is captured in disparate systems but leaks through the cracks in reporting. 

We’ve worked with world-class organizations, agents, and coaches to create a platform for tracking all of your data in one place with as little effort as possible. 

If you can nail these processes and understand exactly how the data tracking works in Sisu, you’ll have invaluable data points that you can leverage to create a clear, measurable ROI on your efforts. 

For example:

1. Optimizing performance to milk out an extra 1-2 transactions each year for each agent

2. Allocating lead generation funds to the sources that provide you with the highest quality leads

3. Proving your value to vendor partners to create a stronger co-marketing relationship. 

So, to start, a lead hits your CRM where you and your team start to follow up on it. 

Now, your CRM has thousands of leads in it, which is great for prospecting—but not so much for reporting. That’s where Sisu adds a tighter level of accountability on top to help you manage the hottest, most qualified leads. 

We recommend that most of our clients send their leads into Sisu once they achieve “hot” status. Basically, you’ll use the integration to pull over a lead and all relevant information into your pipeline so that you can track it closer in Sisu. 

As of today, we have been able to establish integrations like this with Boomtown, Follow Up Boss, Sierra Interactive, and Commissions INC. If your CRM provider has no way of getting leads out of the system through at least one of these methods, they are absolutely behind the times and this is something that you should bring up with them.

Let’s take a look at what a lead looks like when it lands in Sisu (pull up Bob Marley) 

Notice how Bob is sitting in my pipeline. I can both see him as an admin/transaction coordinator by searching, and I can also work with this lead from my mobile app. 

The dates are what drive transactions through the pipeline, so these are the main data points I’ll want to manage for each of my leads. 

If I put a signed date on Bob Marley, for example, he’s going to show up as “signed” on my dashboard and give me credit for signing a new listing. 

If an agent ever wants to track a first-time appointment, for example, they’ll do this by finding a client in their pipeline and adding one of these dates. 

There’s an even better process for managing the tracking of leads that can save you hours of time and ensure that you have accurate data. This is through forms. 

Many of our clients will set up different forms for their agents to use in their reporting efforts, whenever a critical event happens. You can see these on the right side of my “Bob Marley” lead. 

One example is whenever a listing is signed. You’re going to need to have some communication between the agents out in the field and the admin staff anyways, so you might as well systematize the process so that all the data gets captured! 

The advantage here is that you’re tying the reporting to something that has to be done anyways, so it’s not creating extra work. It’s just capturing the data in a system where it can then be used later, instead of sitting on a piece of paper or in someone's inbox. 

You can create this type of process at any moment during your transaction, but we typically recommend you do it for first-time appointments, signed agency/listing agreements, and contract to close. 

On the back end, our clients will typically have a virtual assistant, admin staff, or transaction coordinators managing the closed deals and ensuring that all data is accurate. This is as simple as pulling up a deal when it’s closed and making sure that all of the data points are correct. 

Admin staff will frequently use the “lock” feature once a transaction is under contract to close to ensure that none of the important data points are changed. This makes it so that only an admin can change the data, even though agents can still see it on their phones and reports. 

We are continually working on integrations with document and transaction management software to make this process even more seamless. 

Getting this all set up is mostly about taking a look at your organization's approach to data. If you can optimize these processes and ensure that everything is captured in a system where you can use that data, you’ll have tons of different data points to create an ROI with in the future. 

Not only that, but you’ll save your team hours of tedious duplicate entry while you’re at it! 

If you have questions about the platform in general, setting up integrations, or taking your Sisu investment to the next level, please feel free to reach out to our team via the chatbox on our site at

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