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Setting Up the Dotloop Integration
Setting Up the Dotloop Integration
Alex Masterson avatar
Written by Alex Masterson
Updated over 6 months ago

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Before you begin...

Before you begin, log into Sisu and use the chat bubble in the bottom-right corner to ask our support team to enable the Dotloop integration. They'll respond within a couple of minutes, so this shouldn't take long!

Part 1: Team Setup

1. In Sisu, go to Admin > Integration Hub.

2. Click the Dotloop tile. This opens the integration setup window.

3. Click Next. This takes you to the Configuration portion of integration setup.

4. Scroll down to the setting Folder Visible to Clients. Enable this setting if desired. (green = enabled)

About This Setting!

In Sisu, when you fetch a transaction's Dotloop documents for the first time, a Dotloop folder appears in Client Portal under the transaction's Documents tab. Enable this setting if you want clients to be able to see the Dotloop folder in Client Portal.

5. If desired, enable the setting Folder Visible to Vendors. (green = enabled)

About This Setting!

In Sisu, when you fetch a transaction's Dotloop documents for the first time, a Dotloop folder appears in Client Portal under the transaction's Documents tab. Enable this setting if you want vendors to be able to see the Dotloop folder in Client Portal.

6. Click Next. This takes you to your Loop Creation Options.

7. In the Create Loops As drop-down, choose one of the options to determine which user the new Loops will be created under.

Explaining the Drop-Down Options

  • Transaction Agent: If you select "Transaction Agent," new Loops are created under the Dotloop profile of the agent on the transaction. If you choose this configuration, the following details apply:

    • After team setup is complete, each agent needs to authenticate their Dotloop account with Sisu (see the User Setup section in this article for help). Once that’s done, they can create a Loop for any transaction they are assigned to.

    • Authenticated agents (and their admins and TCs) will be able to create new Loops. They can do this by clicking the "Create Loop" button in Sisu transactions.

    • If an admin or TC creates a new Loop, the Loop will still be created under the agent's Dotloop profile.

      ⚠️ *IMPORTANT*: If you want all new Loops created under a single Dotloop account, select the "Transaction Agent" option. Make sure after completing the User Setup section that you also complete the subsection called Setting Up the Single Account Configuration.

  • Transaction TC: If you select "Transaction TC," new Loops are created under the Dotloop profile of the TC on the transaction. If you choose this configuration, the following details apply:

    • After team setup is complete, each TC needs to authenticate their Dotloop account with Sisu (see the User Setup section in this article for help).

    • Only authenticated TCs can create new loops. They can do this by clicking the "Create Loop" button in Sisu transactions.

    • TCs have the ability to create a Loop for any transaction in their Sisu account.

8. In the Vendor Types drop-down, select "all, "none," or a specific vendor from the drop-down menu. You can also click the Add Value button to add multiple vendors.

About This Setting!

When you create a loop, any vendor that is specified in this setting and listed on the transaction is added to the Loop.

9. Click Finish.

10. Now make sure that all users that need to be authenticated follow the steps in the User Setup section below.

Part 2: User Setup

After an admin sets up Dotloop for the team, each user that wants new Loops created under their Dotloop account needs to complete the user setup steps, which will authenticate their Dotloop account with Sisu.

If you'd prefer to watch a short video of the process outlined in this section, click here. Otherwise, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into Sisu.

  2. In the top-right corner of the screen, go to Account > Profile to open your user profile.

  3. In the Dotloop box on the left, click the Configure button. This makes the user configuration window appear.

  4. In the User Dotloop Connection box, click Connect. This opens a new tab.

  5. In the new tab, you'll be asked to log in and agree to terms. Once you finish, an "Authorization Completed Successfully" message appears.

  6. You can now close the new tab by clicking the X on the right side of the tab.

  7. Back in the tab with your user configuration window, click the Next button.

  8. Click the Profile ID drop-down and select the profile you want to use.

    Note: Most people will only have access to one profile, but if you have access to multiple profiles, select the one you want to use to create loops.

  9. Click the Finish button.

Video Tour

Video Note: To optimize viewing, watch this video on Loom. You can do this by clicking the square icon with an arrow coming out of it, which appears in the top-right corner of the video.

Setting Up the Single Account Configuration

Complete this last process if you want all new Loops created under a single user's Dotloop account.

ℹ️ Note

For the single account configuration, the following details apply:

  • Only the single user needs to authenticate their Dotloop account with Sisu.

  • Once the steps in this section are complete, anyone will have the ability to create a Loop from a transaction.

  • All new Loops are assigned to the selected user.

If you'd like to set up a single account configuration, do the following:

  1. Click the Dotloop tile and then click the Reconfigure button in the top-right corner. This opens the integration setup window.

  2. Click Next. Then click Next again.

  3. In the Create Loops As drop-down, you can now select the name of the authenticated user whose account you want to use.

  4. Click Finish.

Dotloop Integration FAQ

If you have questions about how the integration works, check out this article in our Knowledge Base.

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