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Connecting Sisu to Other Programs via Zapier
Connecting Sisu to Other Programs via Zapier

Here is how to connect to our private Sisu Zapier connection.

Zac Muir avatar
Written by Zac Muir
Updated over a week ago

⚠️ Important Note!

Sisu's Zapier component is not actively being supported. You can continue to use it, but updates or fixes to it are not being addressed. For another solution, consider using the Sisu Webhooks to get transaction updates. Check out this article for details.

You must be logged in as an Admin user.

Authentication errors

To authenticate to Zapier, you will NOT use your Sisu username and password, you will use your Sisu team credentials. If you see the following error when you attempt to connect, please make sure you use your Sisu team credentials.

Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Team Settings > API Credentials:

(click "generate" if you don't see credentials yet)

This will be what is used to configure the Zapier connection to your Sisu account.

  • Username: Username from Team Settings / API credentials

  • Password: Token information from Team Settings / API credentials

Step 2: Accept our private Zapier invitation:

Zapier is a data connection repository that connects more than 1,000 web apps. To get access to Sisu's Zapier connection you can join through this link.

Step 3: Build your zaps.

Please Note: It's your responsibility to build, test, and manage any custom zaps.

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