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Setting Up Folders for Documents in Client Portal
Setting Up Folders for Documents in Client Portal

This article is for admin and TC roles only.

Alex Masterson avatar
Written by Alex Masterson
Updated over 12 months ago

In Client Portal, admins can create folders for agents and clients to use as they're uploading documents. They can specify who can see which folders, and they can decide if a folder should be specific to a buyer or seller transaction.

Topics in this article:

  • Understanding the Default Folders

  • Adding New Folders

  • Editing an Existing Folder's Type and Permissions

  • Filtering the Folder Management Screen by Buyer or Seller Folders

  • Deleting a Folder

Use the table of contents on the right side of the screen to jump to a particular topic.

Understanding the Default Folders

When you go to Admin > Documents, you'll see that we've added 2 folders by default:

  • General: This folder is private, which means clients can't access it. This can't be changed. The General folder shows you documents that were added in Sisu, so keeping this folder private prevents clients from seeing documents they shouldn't.

  • Client Uploads: This folder is public, which means clients can upload to it freely. This can't be changed.

Adding New Folders

Each folder you add will be visible under the Documents tab of each transaction in Client Portal.

  1. In the sidebar on the left, go to Admin > Documents.

  2. Click Add New Folder.

  3. In the Folder Name field, give your new folder a name to help agents and clients know the purpose of the folder.

  4. Choose a Transaction Type.

    • Buyer: These folders are only visible in the Documents tab of buyer transactions.

    • Seller: These folders are only visible in the Documents tab of seller transactions.

    • All: These folders appear in every transaction in Client Portal.

      • Example Scenario: The screenshot below shows the Documents tab of Roger Sterling's transaction (viewed by an agent). Since Roger Sterling is a buyer, the only visible folders are those with a transaction type of "All" or "Buyer."

  5. Under Folder Access Permissions, make sure the boxes are checked if you want to give access. Make sure they're unchecked if you want to hide the folder from their view.

    Example: Let's say I want the folder to be visible to Clients but unavailable to Vendors. I would make sure the Clients checkbox is checked and the Vendor checkbox is unchecked. (see screenshot below)

  6. Click Submit.

Editing an Existing Folder's Type and Permissions

  1. Log into Client Portal.

  2. In the sidebar on the left, go to Admin > Documents.

  3. Click the pencil icon in-line with a folder. This opens the Edit Folder window.

  4. Make any changes you want.

    Note: For permissions, remember that checked boxes mean you're giving access. Unchecked boxes mean you're hiding the folder from their view.

  5. When finished, click Submit.

Filtering the Folder Management Screen by Buyer or Seller Folders

  1. In Client Portal, go to Admin > Documents. This makes the Folder Management screen appear.

  2. At the top of the Folder Management screen, click the Transaction Type drop-down and select an option from the list. This allows you to view all the Buyer folders or all the Seller folders at one time.

Deleting a Folder

  1. Log into Client Portal.

  2. In the sidebar on the left, go to Admin > Documents.

  3. Click the X icon in-line with a folder.

  4. In the Delete Confirmation pop-up, click Yes.

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