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Setting Up Task Statuses

This article is for admin and TC roles only.

Alex Masterson avatar
Written by Alex Masterson
Updated over 5 months ago

The information in this article is accessible only by Admin and TC users in Sisu.

There are 4 available task statuses:

  • To-Do

  • In Progress

  • Completed

  • Not Applicable (must be enabled)

While you can't add new statuses, you can change the names and colors of these 4 statuses to your liking.

Topics in this article:

Customizing a Task Status

You can change the default name and the color associated to a task status. However, changes you make won't change how the status works. For example, you could rename the Completed task status to To-Do, but the task status will still mark tasks as complete in the system.

  1. Go to Admin > Tasks.

  2. In the menu on the left, click Task Statuses.

  3. In-line with a status, click Edit.

  4. Change the name and/or color, and then click Update.

Enabling the "Not Applicable" Task Status

The Not Applicable status works like the Completed status, telling Sisu that a task no longer needs to be completed. It also makes it clear that the task wasn't completed because it wasn't applicable to the transaction.

  1. Go to Admin > Tasks.

  2. In the menu on the left, click Task Statuses.

  3. In-line with Not Applicable status, click Enable.

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